2020 George Floyd riots: Difference between revisions

antifa was a target, not affiliate
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[[File:Floyd Rioters Theft.jpeg|thumb]]The '''Floyd Rioters''' is a term often used to inaccurately attribute the violence and destruction following the unjustifiable murder of George Floyd in 2020, to the peaceful protestors who gathered to condemn the crime, and police brutality in general. However, according to court documents, those who were charged with arson, murder, and various other crimes at these protests show that the perpetrators and instigators of the violence were actually racists and terrorists from alt-right organizations.
[[File:Floyd Rioters Theft.jpeg|thumb]]The '''Floyd Rioters''' are the rioters in 2020 that have protested the death of George Floyd at the hands of [[Derek Chauvin]]. While they are honorable, they cause far too much violence, and tend to [[Looting|break into shops to steal items]], that makes them qualify for this wiki. However, the riots have subsequently lead to reforms to how various states approach [[police brutality]].

This was an attempt to discredit protests, and silence and wash out the cries for justice with reports of violence, all in support of racist police brutality.
Some of the most extreme cases of rioting have resulted in [[arson]] attacks on police stations.
One Far-Right ‘Boogaloo Bois’ Member was charged for Firing an AK-47 at the Minneapolis Police Station, as he yelled ‘Justice For Floyd!’[https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/10/23/man-linked-far-right-boogaloo-bois-charged-after-allegedly-firing-ak-47-minneapolis-precinct/ <nowiki>[1]</nowiki>]
Also in Minneapolis, a self proclaimed white supremacists was charged for stoking racial unrest, and instigating the peaceful attendant's loot stores, after he was filmed calmly shattering the windows of an auto store, in a video that went viral.[https://www.mprnews.org/amp/story/2020/07/28/warrant-white-supremacist-instigated-looting-at-george-floyd-protest-in-minneapolis <nowiki>[2]</nowiki>]

[[Antifa]] are vocal supporters of the riots.
==Relations with groups==

Though much of this violence is also often inaccurately accredited to Antifa, the intercept reported that police knew the entire time that these far right extremist groups were responsible, not Antifa. [https://theintercept.com/2020/07/15/george-floyd-protests-police-far-right-antifa/ <nowiki>[3]</nowiki>]
*[[National Alliance]]
And while its clear some people attended simply to cause destruction, and some peaceful protestors may have become not so peaceful, it's inherently unfair to claim that protestors are solely to blame for any of the vandalism or theft, as sociological studies have long since proven that any movement unrest that begins to feel unheard, disrespected, or ignored will become violent in their frustration. This is why its critical for lawmakers to all respond to all peaceful protests promptly, with respect and a vocalized willingness to listen and appropriately address the concerns.
*[[White Power Movement]]
*[[Ku Klux Klan]]
Instead, we've watched leaders across the globe exploit their knowledge of this, and use it as a weapon to criminalize movements rightfully demanding justice. The monsters here are the influential political figures who knowingly made false public statements to see to it this narrative of chaos and criminals was painted.
==Relations with groups==
*White Supremacists
*[[Proud Boys]]
*The Police
*[[Westboro Baptist Church]] (Possibly)
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