Aitarak was a militia group that was active during Indonesia's occupation of East Timor in the late 1990's. They were the most feared of the pro-Indonesia militias, carrying out multiple acts of mass murder.
At their height, the Aitarak were commanded by Eurico Guterres.
The Aitarak gained the most notoriety, because they were the main militia group in the capital city and Dili district as a whole. It was here where international press were most present, and then the reports were mostly about what happened in Dili itself, and therefore with the Aitarak.
Cases such as the Liquiçá Church massacre, and the Suai Church massacre, as well as Catholic nuns that were killed in Lospalos were largely unknown for a time.
Due to the ruthless manner in which the Aitarak killed and raped, the group became infamous. They acted in a manner that indicated they had no fear of the press, or international reaction or consequences. In hindsight, it is quite apparent that the militia groups felt Indonesia would again gain control of East Timor, and those who had been faithful to the Indonesian government would be put in positions of power.
The exact number of victims killed by the Aitarak is unknown. It can easily be said that the number is in the hundreds. The most powerful of all the militias, Aitarak commanders could easily influence militia groups in other parts of East Timor, and did so on several occasions.