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American Nazi Party
Full Name: American Nazi Party
Alias: ANP
World Union of Free Enterprise National Socialists
National Socialist White People's Party
New Order
Foundation: 1959
Arlington, Virginia, United States
Commanders: Rocky Suhayda (current)
Matthias Koehl (former)
George Lincoln Rockwell (former)
Goals: Create a white’s only society

Start a race war

Crimes: Anti-Semitism


The American Nazi Party is an extreme right-wing organization from North America that champions the concepts of neo-Nazism and white supremacy: like most Nazi groups, they are also antisemitic and extremely controversial due to their volatile beliefs, which many have come to see as racist. It is mainly against immigration currently.

Founded by George Lincoln Rockwell in 1959, the party is based largely upon the ideals and policies of Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party in Germany during the Nazi era, and embraced its uniforms and iconography. Shortly after Rockwell's assassination in 1967, the organization appointed Rockwell's second in command, Deputy Commander Matt Koehl as the new leader. The American Nazi Party, now under Koehl's command, was subject to ideological disagreements between members in the 1970s and 1980s.

In 1982, Martin Kerr, a leader at the Franklin Road headquarters, announced that the organization was changing its name to the New Order and moving to the Midwest, effective January 1, 1983. Due to recruitment issues along with financial and legal trouble, Koehl was forced to relocate the group's headquarters from the DC area, eventually finding his way to scattered locations in Wisconsin and Michigan. After Koehl's death in 2014, long-time member and officer of the New Order, Martin Kerr assumed leadership and maintains the New Order website and organization.

The American Nazi Party are also infamous for their involvement in the Greensboro Massacre. In recent years they have associated themselves with the Alt-Right. They are widely considered to be a hate group.