Created page with "In April 21th, 2016, three teenage girls named Trinity Carr, Zion Snow and Chakeira Wright, beated a 16 year old girl called Amy Inita Joyner Francis to death because of a boy. After the killing, the girls felt remorse for their actions and redeemed themselfes. Category:Female Category:Young villains Category:Bully Category:Abusers Category:Brutes Category:Anti - Villain Category:Presumed Deceased Category:Fate unknown Category:Remorsef..."
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[[Category:Affably Evil]]

Revision as of 19:01, 16 December 2021

In April 21th, 2016, three teenage girls named Trinity Carr, Zion Snow and Chakeira Wright, beated a 16 year old girl called Amy Inita Joyner Francis to death because of a boy.

After the killing, the girls felt remorse for their actions and redeemed themselfes.