Asif Ali Zardari (born 26 July 1955) is a Pakistani politician who served as President of Pakistan from 2008-2013. The son of landowner and politician Hakim Ali Zardari, Zardari married Benazir Bhutto, who later became Prime Minister of Pakistan. He was implicated in several corruption scandals, including money laundering Swiss banks, causing Bhutto's government to collapse. After his wife was reelected again in 1993, he served as Finance Investment Minister as well as Chairperson of Pakistan's Environmental Protection Council. After his brother-in-law Murtaza was killed in 1996, he was indicted for his murder as well as further corruption charges and served 8 years in prison, although he still served in Parliament while incarcerated. After a short exile to Dubai, he returned to Pakistan after his wife'a assassination in 2007 and became the chairman of the Paksitan's People Party, forcing military dictator Pervez Musharraf to resign. Although remaining a strong ally to the West on the War of Terror, Zardari's presidency was riddled with corruption, being accused of mishandling the aftermath of the 2010 floods as well as the rampant terrorism. He received abysmally low ratings, from 11 to 14%. He was later arrested in 2019 for corruption charges.


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