Becky Fischer
Full Name: Becky Fischer
Origin: Bismarck, North Dakota, United States
Occupation: Pentecostal pastor
Hobby: Preaching
Goals: Indoctrinate children into believing her brand of Christianity (ongoing)
Crimes: Child abuse
Hate speech
Type of Villain: Dark Priest

This is a generation that's gonna stand for purity and righteousness and holiness, and you're gonna serve the Lord all the days of your life. And we declare all those things over you. I believe this so much that I have given my whole life to see to it that you get there.
~ Fischer to a crowd of children.

Becky Fischer (May 31st, 1951 - ) is a controversial Pentecostal children's pastor known as one the most hated religious fanatics there is, even surpassing Fred Phelps, who in most people's opinion is one of the worst. She had hosted a charismatic, now-defunct Christian summer camp in Devils Lake, North Dakota that received much criticism about their questionable methods.


Fischer worked as a businesswoman for 23 years and served as a youth pastor for the last eight years of her career as a businesswoman. She later moved to North Wilkesboro, North Carolina and became a youth pastor for a ministry called Tasch Ministries International. She later moved to her hometown of North Dakota and operated a motel and radio station before starting her own ministry called Kids in Ministry International and a Christian summer camp called Kids on Fire. Her ministry believes in glossolalia, spiritual warfare, healing the ill, prophecy, raising of the dead, and exorcism from possession.

Jesus Camp

In 2004, Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady asked Fischer if they can film a documentary film centering around her summer camp. In the film, Fischer preached to the children into becoming what she claimed to be "soldiers of God", saying that it is the "best moment of their life". She also condemned the Harry Potter book series saying that if Harry Potter was real he would've been put to death in the Old Testament. Her ministry also looks down upon ghost stories, claiming that they "do not honor the Lord". At the Christ Triumphant Church in Missouri, she had a guest speaker bring in a cardboard cut-out of former U.S. President George W. Bush, and encouraged several attending children to reach their hands out toward it in prayer. Both Fischer and her ministry see Bush as being a "holy man" and that he was "anointed with the job of creating a Christian society, not just in America but all over the world." Fischer had the children protest abortion in front of the White House with red duct tape on their mouths with the word "Life" written on it. Also in the documentary, Fischer explained to radio talk show host Mike Papantonio that she does not believe that people are able to decide what their religious beliefs are once they pass childhood, and that it is important that people be taught Christianity as children and that she does not consider what she is doing as brainwashing but rather "indoctrination".


When the 2006 documentary Jesus Camp was released, it gained controversy due to Fischer's actions towards children featured in the movie. Fischer cancelled the Kids on Fire summer camp after the movie gained backlash.


Warlocks are enemies of God and I don't care what kind of hero they are they're an enemy of God and had it been in the Old Testament Harry Potter would've been put to death! You don't make heroes out of warlocks!
~ Fischer's infamous condemnation of Harry Potter.
It's no wonder with that kind of training and discipling, those young people are ready to kill themselves for the cause of Islam. I want to see young people who are as committed to the cause of Jesus Christ as young people are to the cause of Islam. I want to see them radically laying down their lives for the Gospel as they are over in Pakistan and Israel and Palestine and all those different places, you know, because we have... excuse me, but we have the truth!
~ Fischer on her expectations for Christian children.
I can go into a playground of kids that don't know anything about Christianity, lead them to the Lord in a matter of, just no time at all, and just moments later they can be seeing visions and hearing the voice of God, because they're so open. They are so usable in Christianity.
~ Fischer on using children in Christianity.



  • Fischer is homophobic, occasionally preaching against LGBT's.
  • Fischer is an author of Sunday school curriculum.
  • Fischer is very prejudiced against Catholics, Orthodox Christians, Jewish people, and Muslims.
  • Fischer is a third-generational Pentecostal on her father's side and a fourth-generational Pentecostal on her mother's side.
  • While the summer camp is currently cancelled, Fischer continues to preach to children through her ministry and YouTube channel.