Black supremacy

Revision as of 18:50, 15 May 2019 by imported>Piperpetcp (Evil vs Evil added because they are against white supremacist groups)

Black Supremacy is the polar opposite of the White Power Movement and although the term does not always have a negative meaning the type of Black Supremacy we are talking about on this wiki is the more extreme examples championed by some groups.

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In its most extreme form Black Supremacy can be seen to mirror White Supremacy in the desire to ensure that non-Blacks are either suppressed or (more commonly) excluded from society - many champion a break-away system based on race and although this is not entirely immoral in itself some members of the movement have been willing to commit acts of terrorism to promote their cause.

It can be argued that Black Supremacy is a "hatred that hatred birthed" in the sense that it has its roots in slavery and the subsequent battle for equal rights, which some African-Americans still do not believe truly exists - in turn, this has embittered some of the African-American community and (in the worst case scenarios) installed a xenophobic hatred and/or mistrust of non-Blacks in the mind of some in the community.

Black Supremacy should not be confused with "Black Pride" as it is perfectly acceptable for someone to take pride in their heritage - it only becomes Supremacy when one tries to suppress or exclude others in the process.

Arguably the most extreme example of Black Supremacy can be found in the disturbing tale of the Zebra Murders. here!