imported>General MGD 109
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Edward Tech, better known as Blackbeard was a famous pirate who was so named because of his thick black beard which he usually used to light with fuses so he would be feared. He was also known to shoot his crew on occasion and this led to his downfall. Blackbeard was notoritous for kidnapping people, he was ruthless and Greedy, to the point where towards the end he started to get rid of his crew to increase his share of the plunder. During his life Blackbeard had arround fourteen different wives.
Edward Teach, better known as Blackbeard was a famous pirate who was so named because of his thick black beard which he usually used to light with fuses so he would be feared. He was also known to shoot his crew on occasion and this led to his downfall. Blackbeard was notoritous for kidnapping people, he was ruthless and Greedy, to the point where towards the end he started to get rid of his crew to increase his share of the plunder. During his life Blackbeard had arround fourteen different wives.

Blackbeard also spent a lot of his reign spreading stories of his own cruelty arround to make it easier for him to defeat others. Exactly how true these stories are is unknown, as the majority of what he told was said for the purpose of scaring others so they would surrender rather than face his wrath. Likewise he never killed a single person he kidnapped, although on one occasion he cut a man's arm when he reused to give him a ring he was wearing.
Blackbeard also spent a lot of his reign spreading stories of his own cruelty arround to make it easier for him to defeat others. Exactly how true these stories are is unknown, as the majority of what he told was said for the purpose of scaring others so they would surrender rather than face his wrath. Likewise he never killed a single person he kidnapped, although on one occasion he cut a man's arm when he reused to give him a ring he was wearing.