Blog:SethStacker69's Second Message to the Real Life Villains Wiki in regards to Celebrities

<vote /> First things first, I'd like to thank Rangerkid51 for finally allowing Donald Trump to be on the wiki seeing as that, after what he did in 2020, he finally officially met the criteria. Secondly, I have another request for the wiki and some possible rule changes to the Real Life Villains Wiki.

The request

The request is to make a rule change to the Villain definition in regards to celebrities.

Just because you label certain celebrities as just controversial rather than heinous enough to be on this wiki hence why they are disallowed doesn't mean that the particular celebrity's controversial act isn't heinous either. What if they said or even did racist, sexist, homophobic, or bigoted things or did a particularly heinous act that could qualify for them to have a page here, even going as much as to be rude and obnoxious towards their fans and physically harm them? That would be the very definition of what is known as a "Villainous Jerk".

What is a "villainous jerk"?

A "Villainous Jerk" was a term created by the fictional Villains Wiki to describe a simply dislikeable and rude person who simply becomes more spiteful and cruel in addition to being rude.

Usually a villainous jerk is just your ordinary jerk at first by simply bullying others and calling them names, but over time they seem to get more painfully heinous and will go one step further as to even cause misery at others' expenses - whilst still being rude.

Some real life examples of villainous jerks include Donald Trump (who was just your average bigot, but, during his presidency, he slid more towards corruption and outright threatening minority groups), Tekashi 6ix9ine, Derek Chauvin, and Bill Cosby.

So what makes certain celebrities qualify to be on this wiki?

By the "villainous jerk" logic, some celebrities who are not allowed pages should be allowed pages on this wiki: I am looking at Jake Paul for example and I believe that he should have a page on this wiki.

Why Jake Paul should have a page

Here are my reasons why Jake Paul actually deserves and needs a page:

  • He is much like DaddyOFive in the fact that they are both YouTubers who want to exploit or mislead their friends/family and also even their fans on YouTube for money.
  • Much like DaddyOFive, he cannot take negative criticism.
  • He is very selfish, egotistical, and narcissitic, meaning he cares only for himself.
  • He has a cult of personality despite not being a dictator, but rather a sadistically immature YouTuber.
  • Most infamously, in July 2020, he held a maskless party when COVID-19 cases were on the rise in California, leading to Tanner Rice getting the virus. This shows how sadistic and ruthless Jake Paul is.
  • His videos contain inappropriate content despite the fact that he claims to aim his videos at children. Yes, children.
  • He participated in the George Floyd riots, something that even his own brother Logan condemned him for doing.
  • He is shown to be racist.
    • He once called the Martinez Twins "Marteaner", a portmanteau of "Martinez" and the Hispanic deragatory term "beaner".
    • He called KSI a "Scooby-Doo ass motherf--ker". Comparing an African POC to a dog is outright borderline racist.
    • When he was participating in the Floyd Riots, he gave some black protesters the middle finger.
  • In addition, he is also very homophobic.
  • He is also known for his abusive behavior:
    • Many of the members of Team 10 left because of his cruel behavior. Because of this, membership dropped down.
    • He bullied a kid in fifth grade and also even his own brother Logan Paul.
    • He is even ignorant of his cult following of fans, even manipulating them.
    • He is even said to have abused his ex-girlfriend Alissa Violet per her words.
  • He most likely either has borderline personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder and/or antisocial personality disorder, hence why he acts the way he does.

That's why, much like Donald Trump's scenario, Jake Paul needs a page here. His actions can be compared to that to fellow YouTubers DaddyOFive and Matias Oyarzo, who use their YouTube fame for evil instead of good, and he meets the heinous standard.

The verdict

Yup. Jake Paul isn't just controversial, he needs a page here. I think I may need to create a page for him with your approval (geez, even his brother Logan isn't that bad!)

And to clarify the whole celebrity thing, some do actually deserve pages here (in my opinion) such as Amber Heard, Ellen DeGeneres, Tobey Maguire, and James Corden, so your rules in regards to allowing certain celebrities as real life villains should be changed for the better.

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