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The prison authorities in Oregon reciprocated Beausoleil's contributions to their programs by supporting his personal creative aspirations. While he was incarcerated in the Oregon system Beausoleil recorded and produced six albums of original music, and released them to the public. The most recent was the ambitious double concept album Voodoo Shivaya, a work metaphorically documenting Beausoleil's personal journey as a seeker after higher truth that took Beausoleil seven years to complete. Beausoleil also significantly expanded his body of paintings and drawings while in the Oregon system.
The prison authorities in Oregon reciprocated Beausoleil's contributions to their programs by supporting his personal creative aspirations. While he was incarcerated in the Oregon system Beausoleil recorded and produced six albums of original music, and released them to the public. The most recent was the ambitious double concept album Voodoo Shivaya, a work metaphorically documenting Beausoleil's personal journey as a seeker after higher truth that took Beausoleil seven years to complete. Beausoleil also significantly expanded his body of paintings and drawings while in the Oregon system.

The California Board of Parole Hearings ordered Beausoleil's return to the California prison system in late 2015, after he had been in the Oregon system for 21 years. It was deemed that with both his wife and mother having died there was no longer a justification for BeauSoleil to remain in the Oregon system. On January 3, 2019, that same agency found BeauSoleil suitable for parole after his having served half a century of imprisonment. He awaits release from prison.
The California Board of Parole Hearings ordered Beausoleil's return to the California prison system in late 2015, after he had been in the Oregon system for 21 years. It was deemed that with both his wife and mother having died there was no longer a justification for Beausoleil to remain in the Oregon system. On January 3, 2019, that same agency found Beausoleil suitable for parole after his having served half a century of imprisonment. He awaits release from prison.

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