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Bullycide is the act of killing onself due to being bullied, or it involves the victim killing the bully first and then killing him/herself. It can even manifestate as a large scale school shooting.

'''Signs before a victim takes revenge or commit suicide:'''
'''Bullycide''' is the act of killing oneself due to being bullied. It may also involve the victim killing the bully first and then killing him/herself. It can even manifest as a large scale school shooting.

Hating the bullies' religion.
'''Possible signs before a victim takes revenge or commits suicide:'''
* Hating the bullies' religion
* Extreme hatred of the human race
* Crying more oftenly
* Purchase of weapons
* Publishing goodbye videos on the internet
* Major depressive disorder
* Psychopathy

Extreme hatred of the human race and nihilism.
== Examples ==
Many people choose to kill themselves, but some tend to commit [[mass murder]] first then take their own lives.

Crying more oftenly.
=== Mass Murders ===
* Columbine High School massacre
* Red Lake Senior High massacre
* Virginia Tech massacre

Purchasing of weapons.
=== Suicides ===
*Suicide of Amanda Todd
*Suicide of Pheobe Prince
*Suicide of Megan Meier
*Suicide of Tyler Clementi
*Suicide of Kelly Yeomans
*Suicide of Hamed Nastoh
*Suicide of Dawn-Marie Wesley
*Suicide of Nicola Ann Raphael
*Suicide of Ryan Halligan
*Suicide of Sladjana Vidovic
*Suicide of Jamey Rodemeyer
*Suicide of Kenneth Weishuhn
*Suicide of Audrie Pott
*Suicide of Jadin Bell
*Suicide of Rehtaeh Parsons
*Suicide of Rebecca Ann Sedwick
*Suicide of Leelah Alcorn
*Death of Conrad Roy
*Suicide of Ash Haffner
*Suicide of Tyrone Unsworth
*Suicide of Brandy Vela
*Suicide of Rosalie Avila

Doing goodbye videos on youtube.
[[Category:Mentally Ill]]
Major Depressive disorder.
Many girls choose to kill themselves but boys tend to commit mass murder first
Red lake senior high massacre
Columbine high school massacre
Virginia Tech massacre
Suicide of Amanda Todd
Suicide of Pheobe Prince
[[Category:Tragic Villain]]
[[Category:Mass Murderer]]
[[Category:Suicidal Villains]]
[[Category:Villains With Mental Illness]]
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[[Category:Evil vs Evil]]
[[Category:Evil vs. Evil]]
[[Category:Seeker Of Vengeance]]
[[Category:Seeker Of Vengeance]]
[[Category:Child Murderer]]
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[[Category:Destroyer of Innocence]]
[[Category:Young villains]]