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[[File:Placeholder|video|right|300px]] [[File:Christo.jpg|thumb|The leader of the church, kong hee]]  
[[File:Placeholder|video|right|300px]] [[File:Christo.jpg|thumb|The leader of the church, kong hee]]  
City Harvest Church is a church in singapore, Recently, there much controversy about the church's founder, Kong hee, who misused church funds to support his wife, sun ho's music career. To add a cherry on top, most of the followers of the church are really arrogant in nature, for example, jack neo, one of the followers, plagiarizes an earlier movie and claims that the creator of the aforementioned movie is copying his idea..
City Harvest Church is a church in singapore, Recently, there much controversy about the church's founder, Kong hee, who misused church funds to support his wife, sun ho's music career.
[[Category:Arrogant Villains]]
[[Category:Arrogant Villains]]
[[Category:Religious Villains]]
[[Category:Religious Villains]]