Adding categories
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[[Category:Femme Fatale]]
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[[Category:Psychological Abusers]]
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Revision as of 14:44, 23 May 2020

Elizabeth Brownrigg (1720 - September 14th, 1767) was an 18th century English murderer. She, along with her husband and son, tortured innocent girls and forced them to be their slaves.


She was executed by hanging on September 14th, 1767 when 14 year old Mary Clifford died from her injuries. While awaiting execution she expressed remorse and prayed for salvation. The crowds on the other hand, condemned her on the way to her execution.

“On her way to the place of execution the people expressed their abhorrence of her crime in terms which, though not proper for the occasion, testified their astonishment that such a wretch could have existed: they even prayed for her damnation instead of her salvation: they doubted not but that ‘the devil would fetch her,’ and hoped that ‘she would go to hell.’ Such were the sentiments of the mob.”