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**In 2014, they expressed outrage with a Syrian extremist sliced off the right hand of a man, who was busted for theft, and tweeting about live.
**In 2014, they expressed outrage with a Syrian extremist sliced off the right hand of a man, who was busted for theft, and tweeting about live.
*[http://real-life-villains.wikia.com/wiki/Francisco_Franco Franco]'s Spain was the only country involved in rescuing Jews from the [http://real-life-villains.wikia.com/wiki/Nazi_Party Nazi]'s by giving them Spanish citizenship en masse. These actions led to the rescue of a minimum of 46,000 Jews.
*[http://real-life-villains.wikia.com/wiki/Francisco_Franco Franco]'s Spain was the only country involved in rescuing Jews from the [http://real-life-villains.wikia.com/wiki/Nazi_Party Nazi]'s by giving them Spanish citizenship en masse. These actions led to the rescue of a minimum of 46,000 Jews.
*Japan also helped save Jews from the Nazis during [[World War II]].
*=[http://real-life-villains.wikia.com/wiki/Imperial_Japan Imperial Japan]<span style="line-height:22px;"> also helped save Jews from the Nazis during </span>[[World War II]]<span style="line-height:22px;">.</span>=
*Many of Hitler's allies such as Hungary, Bulgaria, and Italy was opposed to the Holocaust. Surprisingly, even [[Heinrich Himmler]] tried to talk him out of it at first.
*Many of Hitler's allies such as Hungary, Bulgaria, and Italy was opposed to the Holocaust. Surprisingly, even [[Heinrich Himmler]] tried to talk him out of it at first.
**Hitler's chief ally, [[Benito Mussolini]], appointed Jews to government jobs before he became more of a puppet as the war dragged on and accepted a sword from an Algerian leader, at least showing a facade of respect for local culture despite his wishes for a new Roman Empire. This, of course, makes some sense as the Roman Empire was culturally bigoted rather then racially bigoted. A black man even served as a General in their army, which was incredibly unique given the time period. The underlying reason though was it helped maintain an effective empire. Mussolini fought the [http://real-life-villains.wikia.com/wiki/Mafia Mafia] to the point where in the 30's the mafia in Italy was almost completely crushed with their members either executed, imprisoned, in hiding or having immigrated to America. After Mussolini restored order to a reel­ing Italy in the 1920s, [http://real-life-heroes-and-good-guys.wikia.com/wiki/Winston_Churchill <u>Winston Churchill</u>] even praised him saying that Mussolini’s fas­cism ‘had ren­dered ser­vice to the whole world,’ while Il Duce him­self was a ‘Roman genius.’”. When Mussolini invaded and conquered Ethiopia he put an end to slavery. In the mid 1930's slavery was still being practiced in Ethiopia against the rules set out by the League of Nations and International Law. When [http://real-life-villains.wikia.com/wiki/Adolf_Hitler Hitler] began the extermination of the Jews Mussolini turned Italian occupied Europe into a safe haven for Jews, although anti-Jewish laws were in place, he refused to deport them to concentration camps. It got to the point where leading Nazis complained about his leniency with the Jews. After Italy surrendered in late 1943 he expressed regret for his actions and the mistakes that he had made in his life.
**Hitler's chief ally, [[Benito Mussolini]], appointed Jews to government jobs before he became more of a puppet as the war dragged on and accepted a sword from an Algerian leader, at least showing a facade of respect for local culture despite his wishes for a new Roman Empire. This, of course, makes some sense as the Roman Empire was culturally bigoted rather then racially bigoted. A black man even served as a General in their army, which was incredibly unique given the time period. The underlying reason though was it helped maintain an effective empire. Mussolini fought the [http://real-life-villains.wikia.com/wiki/Mafia Mafia] to the point where in the 30's the mafia in Italy was almost completely crushed with their members either executed, imprisoned, in hiding or having immigrated to America. After Mussolini restored order to a reel­ing Italy in the 1920s, [http://real-life-heroes-and-good-guys.wikia.com/wiki/Winston_Churchill <u>Winston Churchill</u>] even praised him saying that Mussolini’s fas­cism ‘had ren­dered ser­vice to the whole world,’ while Il Duce him­self was a ‘Roman genius.’”. When Mussolini invaded and conquered Ethiopia he put an end to slavery. In the mid 1930's slavery was still being practiced in Ethiopia against the rules set out by the League of Nations and International Law. When [http://real-life-villains.wikia.com/wiki/Adolf_Hitler Hitler] began the extermination of the Jews Mussolini turned Italian occupied Europe into a safe haven for Jews, although anti-Jewish laws were in place, he refused to deport them to concentration camps. It got to the point where leading Nazis complained about his leniency with the Jews. After Italy surrendered in late 1943 he expressed regret for his actions and the mistakes that he had made in his life.