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''"God hates fags! God hates America! Thank God for dead soldiers! You're going to hell!"'' - Satan through Fred Phelps.<span style="display: none;">---=-dee </span><span id="cke_bm_166E" style="display: none;"> </span><span style="display: none;"> </span><span id="cke_bm_166S" style="display: none;"> </span>
''"God hates fags! God hates America! Thank God for dead soldiers! You're going to hell!"'' - Fred Phelps.<span style="display: none;">---=-dee </span><span id="cke_bm_166E" style="display: none;"> </span><span style="display: none;"> </span><span id="cke_bm_166S" style="display: none;"> </span>

'''Fred Waldron Phelps, Sr. '''(November 13, 1929 - March 19, 2014) was an ex-lawyer and the founder and former pastor of the [[Westboro Baptist Church]], an Independent Primitive Baptist church in Topeka, Kansas, known for its extreme antagonism towards most of modern society, in particular homosexuality. The church uses hate slogans on their picket signs such as "God Hates Fags", "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" and "America is Doomed". The Westboro Baptist Church is comprised mainly of Fred Phelps' large extended family, and although tiny in number the group is infamous throughout America and regularly receives mainstream media attention for their audacity and the sheer degree of their hate. Members are brainwashed from childhood to support Phelps' agenda and spread his dogmatic beliefs in a manner that can be considered fanatical at best and criminally insane at worst. On March 19, 2014, it was confirmed by the church that Phelps had died from natural causes.
'''Fred Waldron Phelps, Sr. '''(November 13, 1929 - March 19, 2014) was an ex-lawyer and the founder and former pastor of the [[Westboro Baptist Church]], an Independent Primitive Baptist church in Topeka, Kansas, known for its extreme antagonism towards most of modern society, in particular homosexuality. The church uses hate slogans on their picket signs such as "God Hates Fags", "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" and "America is Doomed". The Westboro Baptist Church is comprised mainly of Fred Phelps' large extended family, and although tiny in number the group is infamous throughout America and regularly receives mainstream media attention for their audacity and the sheer degree of their hate. Members are brainwashed from childhood to support Phelps' agenda and spread his dogmatic beliefs in a manner that can be considered fanatical at best and criminally insane at worst. On March 19, 2014, it was confirmed by the church that Phelps had died from natural causes.