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Adding categories
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[[Category:Chaotic Evil]]
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[[Category:Villains With Mental Illness]]
[[Category:Villains With Mental Illness]]
[[Category:Male Villains]]

Revision as of 21:32, 23 December 2012

Harold Shipman was a British serial killer, who, like Graham Young, poisoned his victims. Unlike Young, though, Shipman used morphine, the same chemical used to make heroin. In his early years, he suffered blackouts and told his colleagues he had been suffering from epilepsy. In fact, he had been forging prescriptions to get the drug pethidine. When his addiction was discovered, he was sent to a drug rehabilitation centre and he lost his job. He also went down as one of the most profilic serial killers in history and able to get away with it by changing a patients medical records after he killed them. In 2000, he was found guilty of 15 murders, but likely committed anywhere between 250 and 459. He was sent to Frankland before being transferred to Wakefield. In 2004, he hung himself in his cell and was formally declared dead at 8.04 am on the day of his death. He was also shown to have a sociopath

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