Horst Wessel Lied was the Nazi national anthem after the death of Horst Wessel. After his death [[Joseph Goebbels]] made Horst Wessel a martyr for Germany and wrote the song in dedication to him and it was used until 1945. Whilst not exactly villainious it is now banned in modern day Germany and Austria except for educational purposes. In early 2011, this resulted in a Lower Saxony State Police investigation of Amazon.com and Apple Inc. for offering the song for sale on their websites. Both Apple and Amazon complied with the government's request and deleted the song from their offerings
'''"Horst Wessel Lied"''' was the [[Nazi]] national anthem after the death of [[Horst Wessel]]. After his death, Minister of Propaganda [[Joseph Goebbels]] made [[Horst Wessel]] a martyr for Germany and wrote the song in dedication to him and it was used until 1945. Whilst not exactly villainious it is now banned in modern day Germany and Austria except for educational purposes. In early 2011, this resulted in a Lower Saxony State Police investigation of Amazon.com and Apple Inc. for offering the song for sale on their websites. Both Apple and Amazon complied with the government's request and deleted the song from their offerings
[http://www.worldmilitaria.com/newsite/Media/HorstWesselLied.mp3 The song]
[http://www.worldmilitaria.com/newsite/Media/HorstWesselLied.mp3 The song]
Line 38:
Line 39:
:For the last time, the call to arms is sounded!
:For the last time, the call to arms is sounded!
:For the fight, we all stand prepared!
:For the fight, we all stand prepared!
:Soon Hitler's banners will fly over all streets.
:Soon [[Adolf Hitler|Hitler]]'s banners will fly over all streets.
:The time of bondage will last but a little while now!
:The time of bondage will last but a little while now!
:Soon Hitler's banners will fly over all streets.
:Soon Hitler's banners will fly over all streets.
Line 47:
Line 48:
:March in spirit within our ranks.
:March in spirit within our ranks.
:Comrades who shot (the) Red Front and reactionaries
:Comrades who shot (the) Red Front and reactionaries
:March in spirit within our ranks.[[File:Horst Wessel Lied SA|thumb|right|335 px]]
:March in spirit within our ranks.[[File:Horst Wessel Lied SA|thumb|right|335 px|link=Special:FilePath/Horst_Wessel_Lied_SA]]
"Horst Wessel Lied" was the Nazi national anthem after the death of Horst Wessel. After his death, Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels made Horst Wessel a martyr for Germany and wrote the song in dedication to him and it was used until 1945. Whilst not exactly villainious it is now banned in modern day Germany and Austria except for educational purposes. In early 2011, this resulted in a Lower Saxony State Police investigation of Amazon.com and Apple Inc. for offering the song for sale on their websites. Both Apple and Amazon complied with the government's request and deleted the song from their offerings