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John Norman
File:John Norman.png
Full Name: John David Norman
Alias: John Paul Norman
Steven Gurwell
Alan Hitchcock
Charles Caldwell
Clarence McKay
Patrick Nelson
Origin: Oklahoma, United States
Hobby: Having sex with boys and young men
Crimes: Pedophilia
Human trafficking
Sexual assault
Child pornography
Type of Villain: Pedophile

John David Norman (October 13, 1927 - May 22, 2011) was a American pedophile, sex offender and sex trafficker. With a career of sex offenses lasting over 40 years, Norman was one of the most prolific sex offenders. Norman has received recent attention for having potential connections to serial killers Dean Corll and John Wayne Gacy.


John Norman began his criminal career in Houston where he was arrested in 1954 and 1956 for child molestation. His next arrest was in California in 1963 for sexual assault, and again in 1969 for distribution for obscene material and sentenced to 16 months.

By 1973, Norman was running a child prostitution ring called the Odyssey foundation, this covered the United States, major Canadian cities and parts of Europe. Norman used a mail forwarding address based in San Diego to reach his customers though his base of operations was located in Dallas. Norman did not rely on ads alone, he searched for potential victims in bus stations and arcades, these victims would usually be runaways.

In August of 1973, Norman brought a 21 year old male prostitute called Charles Brizendine to Dallas for one of his clients. While in Norman's apartment Brizendine found several photos of boys with the word kill written on them. Due to recent reports of a mass murder in Houston, Brizendine became terrified, as he responded to Norman's ad in the advocate he called their office, to which an employee told him to call the FBI, which he did.

The FBI then contacted Dallas police, who on August 14th raided Norman's business, to which they found 50'000 index cards, around 5 to 10 percent of these were the names and physical descriptions of boys in Norman's network, aged 13-19, the remainder were his clients his filing system separated the clients into three categories using a color-coded system using a hypothetical set of colors. Red indicated the individual received, pamphlets through the mail from Norman, blue indicated the individual had, contacted Norman by phone expressing, their interest in meeting boys, green indicated that the individual was running a child stable generally a dormitory or an apartment building.

After making bail on his 1973 Dallas arrest Norman assumed the alias Steven Gurwell and flees to Illinois where he is harboured by a client of his escort service. In Homewood Norman loitered around a restaurant frequented by 13 year old boys, he convinced one boy to accept a ride home. Norman took the boy to his apartment and gave him a beer.

The boy told his friends that they could all come and drink at Norman's apartment by October of 1973 Norman was arrested for luring 10 boys to his apartment and sexually assaulting as many as he could. He was charged with six counts of taking indecent liberties with a child, six counts of contributing to the, delinquency of a minor and two counts of deviant sexual assault. The boys were aged of 13 to 14.

Homewood police also found 2000 index cards inside the apartment. While locked in the cook county jail Norman began a new Sex Trafficking ring called the Delta Project. He established a newsletter to advertise his service and appeal for donations for his bail.

He spent 16 hours a day writing clients. This scheme had him coordinating a string of child stables. Pimps would house two to four boys inside each house which was signed on to his network. Inside Norman's newsletter pimps were referred to as sustaining members, the boys were referred to as cadets and the houses as delta dorms.

The first edition of the Delta Project pamphlet featured the head shots of five boys from Maine, New York, Florida and Texas. Norman advertised fees, which he claimed would be split between his defense fund and each individual boy's self-development fund.

Soon he enlisted the help of Philip Paske in jail on a murder charge. Norman and Paske were able to mail out three editions of the Delta Project pamphlets from jail before they were discovered. Once Paske was released he ran the delta project from the outside. As a cover job he managed to gain employment at a city pool in Chicago, Paske was paid with federal tax dollars through the comprehensive employment training act then referred to as CETA. Paske was hired as a children's supervisor for the pool.

Norman's bail was paid from one of his clients and he became affiliated with the men behind a boy love magazine named Hermes. Norman was eventually convicted on child molestation charges from Homewood Illinois and sentenced to four years four months and one day minus the time he had spent on the delta project inside the cook county jail.

In June 1978 Norman was arrested again and once again police seized thousands of index cards containing the personal information on clients, through pink index cards. Philip Paske was arrested while he was in Norman's Chicago apartment for photographing and molesting two minors, both wards of the state both in DCFS care.

Norman renamed the Delta Project the Creative Core, and the mailer was now named male call. He was in the process of pimping out two boys to a man in Canada when police raided his apartment.

In 1973 police in Texas had forwarded the 50,000 index cards they seized from Norman in Dallas to the state department in Washington DC. After Norman's latest arrest in Illinois detectives in Chicago called the state department in order to review these cards so they could compare the evidence and investigate Norman's clients.

Much to their surprise the detectives were told the state department no longer had these index cards. News reporters from the Chicago tribune called the state department to ask what had happened to the evidence. They were told that all 50 000 cards had been shredded because the state department could find no evidence of passport fraud.

At this the reporters pointed out that a lieutenant Hancock of the Dallas police department had separated all index cards containing the names of Texas public and state employees for special assistance in investigating. Lieutenant Hancock had further stated that some of them were prominent people and others were federal employees in Washington DC.

The state department had no explanation as to why they had not forwarded this evidence to the FBI or postal inspectors, nor did they have any further comment.

Norman was released from prison in 1982 by February he was arrested in Denver for soliciting a child for sex. Fleeing Colorado, Norman ended up in rural Pennsylvania under the alias Clarence Eugene Jr, Norman set up shop in a rural motel.

He soon rented a house where he lured more teen boys. It appears Norman skipped town after failing to pay his rent, Pennsylvania police then discovered he had been publishing a child porn magazine named Handy Andy which had at least 20 victims of the rural community. Norman was charged with 18 counts, including child abuse indecent assault, indecent exposure and deviant sexual intercourse, as well as interfering with the custody of a minor.

In October of 1984 Norman was arrested again in Chicago, this time he was extradited back to Pennsylvania. Three months later in January 1985 Norman got himself out of jail with a writ of Habeas Corpus. He fled Pennsylvania for the second time, next Norman turned up in DuPage county Illinois under the alias Patrick Nelson.

Two boys told bowling brook police that a man had propositioned them for sex, when detectives arrived at a now 59 year old John Norman's apartment, he leaped from a third floor window and escaped. Police soon found him at a local hospital with a broken ankle, once more Norman was sent back to Pennsylvania.

In November 1986 while once again locked inside a Pennsylvania jail Norman drew on his vast experience as a jailhouse lawyer. He managed to get his bail reduced to 7500 dollars. Norman posted his bond and fled the state for a third time. In august 1987 John Norman was arrested again, this time in Champaign Illinois.

A 20-year-old named Erik Kimball was arrested for harbouring Norman. Kimball attempted suicide inside the county jail. In June 1988 Norman was arrested in Denver. In his latest defense Norman was arrested for felony sexual assault of a child. Norman successfully fought extradition to Pennsylvania but was given a six-year sentence in Illinois.

In January of 1989, Norman accepted a plea deal and received only 18 months for his crimes in Pennsylvania. After his latest release from the state of Illinois.

Norman was convicted twice in California for the distribution of child pornography in 1995 and 1998, his victims were all young males, aged between 11 through 17.

In October of 2008, over the protest of the rural residents, a San Diego superior court Judge imposed John Norman on the small town of boulevard California. Superior court Judge David M Gill directed authorities to release Norman, who at that time, was being held at the county jail in Otay Mesa on or before November 15.

Norman was released on November 7, and 77 days later on February 2, Norman was arrested, aside from failing to attend psychotherapy and mailing letters to former acquaintances, Norman had passed a note to a teenage bag boy inside an el centro grocery store.

John Norman died of unknown causes on May 22nd 2011 in California.

Connection to Dean Corll

Dean Corll was an American serial killer who from September 1970 to August 1973 raped, tortured and killed 28 Young men and Teenage boys in Houston Texas with the help of teenagers David Owen Brooks and Elmer Wayne Henley Jr. The killing spree came to an end when Henley killed Corll in self defense after Corll tried to kill him and his friends Timothy Kerley and Rhonda Williams.

Corll told both Brooks and Henley that he sold boys to a Sex Trafficking Ring in Dallas, where John Norman operated.

Connection to John Wayne Gacy

John Wayne Gacy was an American serial killer who from January 1972 to December 1978 raped, tortured and killed 33 young men and teenage boys in Chicago Illinois. He was executed by lethal injection on May 10th 1994.

It has been widely speculated that Gacy had accomplices due to being out of the state when several of his victims went missing and a surviving victim of his, Jeffrey Rignall being adamant that there was someone else in the house when he was being tortured.

Gacy ran a construction company called PDM, and people speculate that his employees, Michael Rossi and David Cram were his accomplices. Philip Paske, who helped John Norman run the Delta Project sex trafficking ring, was also one of Gacy's employees, being brought in by David Cram as they were acquaintances. This has led to the theory that Gacy and Norman were working together.

When Gacy was pleading his innocence in interviews he named Norman, Paske, Rossi and Cram as the ones responsible for the deaths of the men and teenage boys, although he claimed to have not known Norman, saying "I have yet to see a current picture of him.". People have further theorised that Gacy was always meant to be set up to take up blame for the crimes.

In addition, teenagers believed to have been killed by Gacy, Kenneth Parker and Michael Marino, were last seen alive close to where Norman was living.