Joseph Hackett is a member of the Oath Keepers who participated in the 2021 United States Capitol storming. Prosecutors have revealed that he contacted at least ten other members of the Oath Keepers to "fight like hell" for President Trump. He was involved with other conspirators' plans to loot and storm the capitol in order to overturn the election results.

Joseph Hackett
Full Name: Joseph Hackett
Alias: Ahab
Origin: Sarasota, Florida, United States of America
Occupation: Chiropractor
Hobby: Spreading conspiracies
Goals: Give Donald Trump four more years and overturn the election results (failed)
Crimes: Sedition
Type of Villain: Far-right conspiracy extremist

We’re going to defend the president, the duly elected president, and we call on him to do what needs to be done to save our country.
~ Joseph Hackett

He is the leader of the Sarasota chapter of the Oath Keepers.