Kelsey Briceno is a 27-year-old Utah babysitter who abused 1-year-old Colter "Colt" Gonda. The child received major epidural and subdural brain hemorrhages to the left side of his head and a portion of his skull had to be removed to relieve the swelling. Thankfully, Colt did survive, but his brain was permanently impaired from Briceno's abuse.

Kelsey Briceno
Full Name: Kelsey Autumn Briceno
Origin: Magna, Utah, United States of America
Occupation: Babysitter (formerly)
Skills: Brute force
Hobby: Shaking children
Goals: Get away with abusing Colt by claiming he fell down the stairs (failed)
Crimes: Attempted murder
Child abuse
Type of Villain: Wrathful Child Abuser

Briceno was sentenced to up to five years in prison for her crimes. From her actions, Colt is required to have a feeding tube, as his abuse renders him unable to eat, talk and walk.