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{{Villain_Infobox|image = Callan-1.jpg|fullname = Loren Bunner|occupation = Ex-boyfriend of Jolee Callan|hobby = Playing video games|goals = To take Jolee Callan hiking and then kill her (succeeded)|crimes = Murder|type of villain = Murderer|alias = lorendaniel}}
{{Villain_Infobox|image = Callan-1.jpg|fullname = Loren Bunner|occupation = Ex-boyfriend of Jolee Callan|hobby = Playing video games|goals = To take Jolee Callan hiking and then kill her (succeeded)|crimes = Murder|type of villain = Murderer|alias = lorendaniel}}

Revision as of 21:57, 19 June 2020

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Loren Bunner
Full Name: Loren Bunner
Alias: lorendaniel
Occupation: Ex-boyfriend of Jolee Callan
Hobby: Playing video games
Goals: To take Jolee Callan hiking and then kill her (succeeded)
Crimes: Murder
Type of Villain: Murderer

Oh, ya know. Just enjoying the view.
~ Loren Bunner before pushing his ex-girlfriend Jolee Callan off a cliff

Loren Bunner, known on Instagram as "lorendaniel", is the ex-boyfriend and murderer of Jolee Callan.

Loren shot her twice in the back of the head and between the eyes, after he convinced her to go hiking in east Alabama in August 2015.

He was eventually caught by police, and was sentenced to 52 years in prison for his crime.


Life before the murder

Jolee had attempted to end their relationship several times, but Loren would emotionally blackmail her into staying with him, treating to end his life if she didn't.

The murder

If something happens to me, you’ll know who I was with.
~ Jolee Callan

A series of photos posted on Loren Bunner’s Instagram account show Jolee Callan's final hours with her ex-boyfriend. The first picture shows her sitting in a car with a dog on her lap, with the caption: “On our way to go hiking <3”.

Three more photos show Jolee walking the dog and later holding the dog while looking out at a view after hiking up a mountain in Cheaha State Park. The final photograph shows her taking a picture of another view.

The pair had reportedly split up months earlier but had agreed to go on the hike together as friends. Jolee reportedly sent a message to a friend the night before, joking: “If something happens to me, you’ll know who I was with."

Bunner shot Jolee on the trail before pushing her off the cliff and leaving her body.

Aftermath and 52 year prison sentence

Police said Bunner called 911 to report he had “murdered his ex-girlfriend” while driving home from the crime scene and pulled over to wait for the authorities.

Bunner pleaded guilty to the murder last month, claiming that he and Jolee had created a suicide pact together but that after shooting her, he was unable to go through with shooting himself. He had originally been granted youthful offender status, meaning he could only be sentenced to a maximum of three years for the crime. This was later overturned and Bunner was tried as an adult, receiving a 52 year prison sentence in July 2016.
