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Betray me all of those who want. Still, I have never cared about friends, friends are only a nuisance, and only exist to take advantage of them. I have never cried, and I have never cared about anyone.
~ Matías in his deleted Twitter account after he was exposed.
The only thing that matters, is that i'm a god.
~ Matías' former YouTube channel description
You are all just a bunch of resentful bitches, it's just a fucking cat
~ Matías in his deleted Twitter account.
Matias Oyarzo
Full Name: Matías Ignacio Vera Oyarzo
Alias: Peluchin Entertainment
PeluchinEnter (peluchinenter, On DeviantART)
Matias Vera (On Deviant ART Page)
God (As mentioned on the quotes he said on the top of this page)
Origin: Chile
Occupation: YouTuber Student
Skills: Torture Methods


Hobby: Torturing and killing his pets

Sexually harassing girls
Insulting his enemies
Making videos

Goals: To become known on YouTube and DeviantArt (negatively succeeded)

Hide what he did (failed)

Crimes: Animal cruelty

Beastiality (Possibly)
Domestic abuse
Sexual harassment
Attempted Murder
Attempted Rape (Possibly)

Type of Villain: Psychopathic Teenager

Matías Ignacio Vera Oyarzo, otherwise known as Peluchin Entertainment, September 19, 2003 is a Chilean YouTuber who also owns a DevianART account that can be found here.

Oyarzo started his YouTube account on September 11, 2014, and currently has over 40,000 subscribers. At most, he was known for his surreal videos, namely his videos where he would play with Teletubby plush toys and destroy them in various methods. During his time on YouTube, he had also taken an interest in trolling. His first concerning act was reportedly done earlier in 2018 when he published a video of himself shoving a can of cat food into his cat Jason's face. He also posted a video of himself trying to shove Jason's face into a toilet full of excrement.

In December 2018, Oyarzo would find himself under controversy when one of his haters revealed a video of Matías brutally abusing Jason by repeatedly picking him up by his tail and dropping him, stomping on him, and kicking him against a door. There were also shots of Jason trying to crawl away from Oyarzo his spine was broken and his hind legs were paralyzed at that time, only for Oyarzo to drag him back to continue torturing him until he died in the hospital from his injuries. Not too shortly afterward, many YouTube users reported him, but YouTube didn't delete his channel because most of his actions were not done on said platform. To make matters worse, he had also filmed himself adopting two kittens and dropping one of them into the toilet with feces, similar to what he did to Jason. According to the authorities, both kittens had been taken away from him, although Matías himself said that the black one died.

It had also been reported that Oyarzo is a domestic abuser who would abuse his own parents, try to strangle his younger cousin, and was reportedly conducting sexual harassment online as well as at school. His YouTube and DeviantART accounts are currently still up, but he has not been active since he was doxxed.

During March 2019, Matías updated his community tab in his YouTube account, explaining that he's not currently in a mental hospital, and he states that he will make a new video explaining his current situation.


In one of my deleted posts, some said I was asking for forgiveness, and I ask them, when did I ask for forgiveness? Not even if they give me a million, will I ask for forgiveness
~ Matias showing his absolute lack of remorse.
~ Matías during his second debate with Super Wario Man
Hahahahaha, if you think there will be justice, I say no, remember that I am a minor, I am surprised that fed up morons thought i was in jail. Perhaps that idiot of Reset will be imprisoned, but he did his shit of the tramp when he was 18 or 19 years old, instead I did it with the cat thing when I was 15.

So put your hashtag "#JusticeForJason" in your asses, there will be no justice for Jason, nor for the two cats i had adopted (which by the way, the black cat died), or anyone. Again, there will be no justice for anyone. They will have founded me, they will have exposed my data, but they did not achieve anything with that.

~ Matías in his YouTube channel Community Tab, making fun of the attempts to bring him down.
The day before yesterday I was fighting for 5 hours on Twitter with assholes, reaching the point where Twitter blocked the function of Twitter for 11 hours, and in the morning, I saw that my account was suspended, and I believe another, and I am suspended. .

What's up Twitter? Don't you want me to be on your platform? Hahahahahaa, luckily I still have my favorite social network, Facebook.

For all the assholes, the menstruation swallowers, and those who are never going to suck a slut, and the whores that will never feel the semen flowing through their cunts, I tell you this ...

Screw you shitty Argensimians. You poor shitty Venezuelans. Meximonkeys, wall jumpers, blacks and dwarfs and slaves of the United States. Black Colombianus with faggot voices. Fucking Spaniards, go watch TV with the shitty dubbing that you have.

And for those who are from my city, I tell you that in 10 years, I will be president of this country, and all the people who disrespected me ... IS GOING TO GO TO JAIL, OR IS GOING TO EXILE .

~ Matías in his YouTube channel Community Tab, showing how egoistical and xenophobic is him.


  • Matías is a fan of slasher horror films like Friday The 13th and Nightmare On Elm Street, he even has a video of him unboxing a replica of Jason's mask and other of him unboxing Freddy's glove.
  • Matías known avatar is a mix between the character named SCP-173 and a Five Nights At Freddy's animatronic.
  • It's unknown if Matías' voice is natural or modified with a program.
  • When he wasn't using his voice, he used a very popular italian voice program named Loquendo, which is very used in the his panic side of YouTube to do parodies, reviews, etc.
  • Matías is a furry, but according to a fight that he had against other users on Discord, he claims that he hates furries.
  • It's been rumored that Matías practiced bestiality with his pets.
  • Besides being an animal abuser and a sexual harasser, Matías is very xenophobic, having made fun of Venezuela's current state, and insulted the Mexican user, Super Wario Man, by saying that he should jump over the wall.
  • Although Matías has claimed to be gay as a joke, and is possibly homosexual or bisexual, it's been reported that he used homophobic slurs against a user, calling him a sh*tty faggot.
  • In his video called 50 things about me, he said that he's a fan of the controversial Spanish YouTuber Dalas Review. This is very contradictive since Matías has insulted this user in some tweets. After Matías killed the cat, Dalas Review was one of the first users to call him out, and he denied any type of fanaticism from Matías.
    • Matías is also a fan of the ultra popular venezuelan YouTuber DrossRotzank (currently, he resides in Argentina), in fact, he uses some quotes from him, and he appears dressed as him in one photo on his Facebook, which is hypocrite considering that he insults Venezuelans and like Dalas Review, Dross was one of the first users to also call him out for killing the cat, but unlike Dalas, he didn't deny any type of fanaticism from Matías.
      • On his third debate with Super Wario Man, Matías confirms that now he hates both users for talking bad of him.
  • He's also very hypocritical, like when he called Super Wario Man a sick man because he said that he would like to kick Matías in the ribs and spank him, even when Matías himself is a sociopathic animal abuser and sexual harasser.
  • Some people said that Matías has Asperger, however, this claim lacks evidence, and even if it was true, it's hardly an excuse for his psychopathic behavior.
  • Sadly, Matías actions inspired other user to torture cats (mostly his friends), with examples like Spider-YT and Mariam Frenia.
  • There are videos of Matías masturbating on streams in front of his ex friends, (most of these have been taken down), like this one, for example:
  • There's also a video of Matías screaming and insulting his mother on a stream:
  • He is rumored to have another YouTube channel called Akatsukito暁, however, this is false, as one ex friend of Matías confirmed that Peluchin Entertainment and Akatsukito暁 are two different persons and that the actual Akatsukito is troll and a fan of Matías who simply asked Matías to make a short video saying that he is Akatsukito.