NKVD, People's Commissariat of the Interior (Russian: НКВД, Народный комиссариат внутренних дел), VRLK - State institution of Soviet Russia and the Soviet Union, repressive agency (officially considered as an "anti-crime and revolutionary / public order" organization.
It combined the functions of the Ministry of the Interior and the Security Police. How the Home Office handled some transport matters, fire protection, etc. As a police and security system, the body responsible for police functions is responsible for the killing of civilians, ethnic cleansing, genocide [1], the eradication of USSR enemies in the Soviet Union and abroad, and the protection of the Gulag.
From 1946 onwards. March to 1960 end of january this repressive institution functioned as the USSR MVD (министерство внутренних дел, МВД - Ministry of the Interior).
Although the name, structure and functions of the NKVD-MVD have been changed many times, the repressive function of this institution has remained unchanged until the 20th century. II half of the 1960s, vol. until the beginning of the so-called Khrushchev thaw. Content
1 History 1.1 NKVD chapters 2 NKVD and other Soviet spec. services
The NKVD was established in 1917. November 8, (shortly after the Bolshevik coup in Petrograd). Alexei Rykov became the first manager.
From 1917 onwards. early November to 1930 In mid-December, the name of the Soviet Russian-Soviet Union Home Office was Народный комиссариат внутренних дел РСФСР (RTFSR People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs, RSFSR NKVD).
From 1930 onwards. December to 1934 In July 1930, the People's Commissariats of the RTSFSR and other USSR republics were replaced by the "Militia and Criminal Investigation Board" and the People's Commissariats of Justice of the USSR and the Autonomous Republics. were attributed not only to forced labor and command. The function of organizing "exile" of the "enemy of the people", but also of the supervision and protection of all USSR prisons. 1930 end repealed by RTFSR NKVD 1934 in July it was re-established as the USSR NKVD; since 1946 March to 1960 In January 2002, the former USSR NKVD acted as the USSR Ministry of the Interior (MVD - from Министерство внутренних дел СССР).
1960 end of january (in fact, in the first half of that year), the USSR MVD was abolished by splitting it into 15 interior ministries of the republics. 1966 the USSR MVD restored in July (until November 1968 it was called "USSR-Republican Ministry of Public Order Protection", russian. Divisions of NKVD
Key functions of NKVD units:
establishment and maintenance of prisons (prisons, camps, colonies, etc.), registration, convoying, staging (so-called staging), distribution, use for work and exile, prisoners of war, prisoners of war and internment of the NKVD-MVD system storage / administrative supervision, (Russian, ГУЛАГ, Главное Управление Исправительно-Трудовых Лагерей колоний), railway protection (in Russian ГУЖД - железные дороги), road guarding (in Russian ГУШосдор - шоссейные дороги), protection of the economy (Russian: ГЭУ - кономика), transport security (Russian ГТУ - транспорт), state and collective farm property protection (in Russian ГЭУ), public order, Soviet Russian-Soviet population accounting and civil registration (Russian: GURKM - рабоче-крестьянская милиция), fire safety (Russian ГУПО, пожарная охрана), Border Guard of the USSR The USSR Border Army has been operating since 1934 at the disposal of the NKVD-MVD. July to 1949 end and since 1953. March to 1957 April. (Russian, ГУПВО, пограничная и внутренняя охрана) control of activities of non-communist social organizations (associations, unions, etc.), leadership "Separation of church from state", destruction of religious ecclesiastical institutions (Russian: ГУГБ - государственная безопасность), suppression of anti-Soviet uprisings and guerrilla movements since 1947 February-March this function has been delegated to MGB organs (Russian: ГУВПИ - военнопленных и интернированных), detecting and physically destroying or isolating enemies of the Soviet authorities through exile or imprisonment (Russian: ГУГБ - государственная безопасность).
During World War II, the NKVD soldiers consisted of commanders. "Firewall units" - their members were authorized to shoot Soviet troops trying to withdraw from the battlefield (NKVD units often performed some military police functions). In the final years of the war and for some time after the war, the NKVD was still engaged in command. filtration, vol. y. during the war, the detention and inspection of Red Army soldiers captured by the enemy and the civilian population of the USSR deported for work to Germany or its occupied countries. in filtration camps.By the end of World War II and for about 8 post-war years, NKVD-MVD organs, various types of NKVD-MVD troops, and NKVD-MVD subordinate rifles (since February 1947 all rifle sets operated at MGB) in Lithuania, Western Ukraine and other Russian 1939 –1945 In the occupied territories of Europe, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Polish, Latvian, Estonian, Gudian and others, who were seeking independence in their lands, fought with arms. he was a partisan of nationalities (during these fighting, many guerrillas, partisan supporters and despicable civilians were killed from the hands of the encroachers and their supporters and armed Soviet activists), as well as deportations of the inhabitants of these territories. NKVD and other Soviet spec. services
The NKVD is sometimes confused with the Soviet State Security Agency (see Č, KGB), but in fact the NKVD-MVD was only concerned with Soviet state security during periods of political surveillance and so on. functions were concentrated on various NKVD-MVD boards.
There was no separate state security agency in Soviet Russia-Soviet Union until 1917. end, also from 1919. March to 1941 April, 1941 July to 1943 since April 1953 March to 1954 March 1954 (March 1954, part of the USSR MVD, founded on the basis of a part of the USSR, took care of the state security of the Soviet Union until the dissolution of the USSR).
The NKVD-MVD (or institutions operating under the authority) was responsible for the security of the Soviet Russia-USSR in 1917. November-December, 1919 March to 1923 November, 1934 July to 1941 February, 1941 July to 1943 since April 1953 March to 1954 March.