Nazi Party: Difference between revisions

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Added Karl Ernst and Waldemar Hoven to list of members.
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* [[August Eigruber]] - [[Gauleiter]] of Oberdonau (Upper [[Danube]]) and [[Landeshauptmann]] of [[Upper Austria]].
* [[August Eigruber]] - [[Gauleiter]] of Oberdonau (Upper [[Danube]]) and [[Landeshauptmann]] of [[Upper Austria]].
* [[Gottfried von Erdmannsdorf]] - Commander of Fortress Mogilev
* [[Gottfried von Erdmannsdorf]] - Commander of Fortress Mogilev
* [[Karl Ernst]] - SA-Gruppenführer and leader of the SA in Berlin.
* [[Hermann Esser]] - Propagandist and editor of Nazi newspaper [[Völkischer Beobachter]].
* [[Hermann Esser]] - Propagandist and editor of Nazi newspaper [[Völkischer Beobachter]].
* [[Richard Euringer]] - Writer who selected 18,000 "unsuitable" books which did not conform to Nazi ideology and were publicly burned.
* [[Richard Euringer]] - Writer who selected 18,000 "unsuitable" books which did not conform to Nazi ideology and were publicly burned.
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* [[Franz Hofer]] - Gauleiter of the [[State of Tyrol|Tyrol]] and [[Vorarlberg]] regions.
* [[Franz Hofer]] - Gauleiter of the [[State of Tyrol|Tyrol]] and [[Vorarlberg]] regions.
* [[Edmund Hoffmeister]] - Commander of the 383rd Panzer Division.
* [[Edmund Hoffmeister]] - Commander of the 383rd Panzer Division.
* [[Waldemar Hoven]] - SS-Hauptsturmführer and doctor at Buchenwald concentration camp responsible for medical experiments involving injecting camp inmates with Phenol.
* [[Adolf Hühnlein]] - Korpsführer (Corps Leader) of the National Socialist Motor Corps (NSKK), from 1934 until his death in 1942.
* [[Adolf Hühnlein]] - Korpsführer (Corps Leader) of the National Socialist Motor Corps (NSKK), from 1934 until his death in 1942.
* [[Karl_Holz_(Nazi)|Karl Holz]] - protege of [[Julius Streicher]], succeeded Streichetr as ''Gauleiter'' of Franconia.
* [[Karl_Holz_(Nazi)|Karl Holz]] - protege of [[Julius Streicher]], succeeded Streichetr as ''Gauleiter'' of Franconia.