Adding categories
imported>Crayzee Dawg 101
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[[Category:Suicidal Villains]]
[[Category:Suicidal Villains]]
[[Category:Seeker Of Vengeance]]
[[Category:Seeker Of Vengeance]]
[[Category:Iconic Villains]]
[[Category:Villains With Mental Illness]]
[[Category:Villains With Mental Illness]]
[[Category:Image Needed]]
[[Category:Image Needed]]
[[Category:Mass Murderer]]
[[Category:Mass Murderer]]
[[Category:Eco Terrorists]]

Revision as of 18:14, 2 June 2013


Patrick Sherrill was the man responsible for the 1986 post office massacre in Edmonton, OK, in which he killed 14 people and himself.  He is also responsible for inspiring the phrase "going postal".