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[[File:Revilo p oliver.jpg|thumb|300px|right]]
Revilo P. Oliver; who lived from 1908 till he commited suicide in 1994; was a leader of the John Birch Society. The John Birch Society was an extreme anti-communist group based off of [[Joseph McCarthy|McCartyist ]] beliefs and; though not based on white supremacy; many lead members had ties to white supremacist groups. Revilo P Oliver advocated aggressive white nationalism and anti-religious views (quite contrary many early American white supremacists such as Simmons and Forrest).
Revilo P. Oliver; who lived from 1908 till he commited suicide in 1994; was a leader of the John Birch Society. The John Birch Society was an extreme anti-communist group based off of [[Joseph McCarthy|McCartyist ]] beliefs and; though not based on white supremacy; many lead members had ties to white supremacist groups. Revilo P Oliver advocated aggressive white nationalism and anti-religious views (quite contrary many early American white supremacists such as Simmons and Forrest).

Revision as of 17:17, 4 June 2013

Revilo P. Oliver; who lived from 1908 till he commited suicide in 1994; was a leader of the John Birch Society. The John Birch Society was an extreme anti-communist group based off of McCartyist beliefs and; though not based on white supremacy; many lead members had ties to white supremacist groups. Revilo P Oliver advocated aggressive white nationalism and anti-religious views (quite contrary many early American white supremacists such as Simmons and Forrest).