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'''Saleh Younous''' (January 1, 1949 in Faya-Largeau, French Chad), is a war criminal he was the first director of the Directorate of Documentation and Security (DDS), which served from April 1983 to May 30, 1987. Under the repressive regime of [[Hissène Habré]], also sentenced to life imprisonment for crimes of against humanity and torture in Senegalese jurisdictions.

Saleh Younous (1 de enero de 1949 en Faya-Largeau, Chad). Fue el primer director de la Dirección de Documentación y Seguridad (DDS), que se desempeñó desde abril de 1983 hasta el 30 de mayo de 1987. Bajo el régimen represivo de [[Hissène Habré]], también condenado a cadena perpetua por crímenes de lesa humanidad y tortura en las jurisdicciones senegalesas.

Furthermore, Younous was named by several victims as the material author of acts of torture.

In 1990, Habré was removed from power and [[exile]]d to Senegal. That same year, President [[Idriss Déby]] created a national commission of inquiry, the report of which was published in May 1992, after 17 months of work.
Como director del DDS, Younous supervisó en N'Djaména las operaciones de arresto y tortura llevadas a cabo por la Brigada Especial de Intervención Rápida (BSIR), que condujo los interrogatorios. Además, Younous fue nombrada por varias víctimas como autor material de actos de tortura.
En 1990, Habré fue destituido del poder y se exilió a Senegal . Ese mismo año, el presidente Idriss Deby creó una comisión nacional de investigación, cuyo informe se publicó en mayo de 1992, tras 17 meses de trabajo.
En 2000, las víctimas presentaron una denuncia en los tribunales chadianos, entre los acusados ​​estaba Saleh Younous, Chad solo lo juzgó cuando las cosas cambiaron en 2014, debido a un procedimiento paralelo ante las Cámaras Extraordinarias de África dentro de las jurisdicciones senegalesas.
N'Djaména ganó una batalla legal contra las Cámaras Africanas Extraordinarias. "Saleh Younous y Mahamat Djibrine, alias" El Djonto ", no serán trasladados a Dakar como lo deseaba el órgano judicial.
Younous "afirmó" que el presidente Hissène Habré "nunca asistió a los interrogatorios", que algunas víctimas se contradecieron y nunca acudieron a las instalaciones del DDS. Nunca paré ni di la orden de matar. He defendido a mi país contra la Invasión Libia.
Junto con otros seis agentes de seguridad bajo el mando de Hissène Habré, Saleh Younous fue condenado en 2015 a cadena perpetua por "tortura" y "asesinato"
Saleh Younous (January 1, 1949 in Faya-Largeau, Chad). He was the first director of the Directorate of Documentation and Security (DDS), which served from April 1983 to May 30, 1987. Under the repressive regime of [[Hissène Habré]], also sentenced to life imprisonment for crimes of against humanity and torture in Senegalese jurisdictions.
As director of the DDS, Younous oversaw the arrest and torture operations in N'Djaména carried out by the Special Brigade for Rapid Intervention (BSIR), which conducted the interrogations. Furthermore, Younous was named by several victims as the material author of acts of torture.
In 1990, Habré was removed from power and exiled to Senegal. That same year, President Idriss Deby created a national commission of inquiry, the report of which was published in May 1992, after 17 months of work.

In 2000, the victims filed a complaint in the Chadian courts, among the defendants was Saleh Younous, Chad only tried him when things changed in 2014, due to a parallel procedure before the Extraordinary Chambers of Africa within Senegalese jurisdictions.
In 2000, the victims filed a complaint in the Chadian courts, among the defendants was Saleh Younous, Chad only tried him when things changed in 2014, due to a parallel procedure before the Extraordinary Chambers of Africa within Senegalese jurisdictions.

N'Djaména won a legal battle against the Extraordinary African Chambers. "Saleh Younous and Mahamat Djibrine, alias" El Djonto ", will not be transferred to Dakar as the judicial body wanted.
N'Djaména won a legal battle against the Extraordinary African Chambers.  

Younous "claimed" that President Hissène Habré "never attended the interrogations", that some victims contradicted each other and never went to the DDS facilities. I never stopped or gave the order to kill. I have defended my country against the Libyan Invasion.
Younous "claimed" that President Hissène Habré "never attended the interrogations", that some victims contradicted each other and never went to the DDS facilities. I never stopped or gave the order to kill. I have defended my country against the Libyan Invasion.

Along with six other security officers under the command of Hissène Habré, Saleh Younous was sentenced in 2015 to life imprisonment for "torture" and "murder"
Along with six other security officers under the command of Hissène Habré, Saleh Younous was sentenced in 2015 to life imprisonment for torture and murder, Condemnation serving in djamena.
[[Category:War Criminal]]
[[Category:African Villains]]
[[Category:Living Villains]]
[[Category:Corrupt Officials]]