School shooting

Revision as of 11:59, 30 April 2014 by (talk)

School shooting occurs when students, especially those who are bullied or other lone gunman take firearms to a particular school and begin shooting people indiscriminately.

File:Virginia Tech shooting Footage
Seung-Hui Cho shoots up VT- News
File:REB & V.jpg
Columbine shooters on CCTV.

This act is especially common in the united states, but it can occur in other places as well.

It manifests as a kid simply shooting a person in revenge to large scale school bombings and mass shootings.

After shooting up a school, preparators often commits suicide, although some surrendered to police.

Also, suicidal school shooters typically made martyrdom videos, usually explaining their act and ranting about bullies.

Causes(From most common to least common)

Bullying(peer victimiazation, peer pressure, cyber bullying)

Revenge against teachers for punishing the shooter unfairly

Being expelled from the school

Mental illness(sometimes without cause)


Preparator(s) School Date Killed Injured Weapon(s) used Location Kill to wound ratio(preparators death excluded)
Charles Whitman University of Texas August 1, 1966 16 32 Remington 700, M1 Carbine, Luger P09, S&W M19, Sears 60 shotgun, Remington M141, Galesi-Brescia

Austin, TX


Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold Columbine High School April 20, 1999 13+2 21

TEC-9, Stevens 311D sawed off shotgun(Dylan Klebold)

Hi-Point 995 carbine, savage pump action shotgun(Eric Harris)

Knives and bombs

Columbine, CO


Seung-Hui Cho Virginia Tech University April 16, 2007 32+1 17

Glock 19, Walter P22 (Both are loaded with hollow points)

Knife and Hammer

Blacksburg, VA


Andrew Kehoe Bath Consolidated School May 18, 1927 44+1 58 Dynamites, Pyrotol, Fire bombs, Winchester M54 Rifle

Clinton county, MI


Adam Lanza Sandy Hooks Elementary School December 14, 2012 27+1 2 Bushmaster M4, Glock 20

Newtown, CT


Tim Kretschmer 'Albertville' Secondary School March 11, 2009 15+1 9 Beretta 92 Winnenden, Germany 5:3