“ | We practice selective annihilation of mayors and government officials, for example, to create a vacuum, then we fill that vacuum. As popular war advances, peace is closer. | „ |
~ Unidentified Shining Path officer. |
Shining Path (Spanish: Sendero Luminoso), also known as the Communist Party of Peru, is a Maoist guerrilla and terrorist organization in Peru. The goal of Shining Path is establish a maoist and dictatorship state in Peru. They were the main cause of Internal Conflict in Peru (1980-2000). The organization was founded by Abimael Guzmán in 1980. Actually, they engage in drug trafficking, etc.
Widely condemned for its brutality, including violence deployed against peasants, trade union organizers, elected officials and the general civilian population, the Shining Path is regarded by Peru as a terrorist organization, having committed numerous human rights abuses and war crimes. Japan, the United States, the European Union, and Canada likewise classify the group as a terrorist organization and prohibit funding and other financial support. Since the capture of its leader Abimael Guzmán in 1992, the Shining Path has declined in activity.