Shining Path
Shining Path (Spanish: Sendero Luminoso), also known as the Communist Party of Peru, is a Maoist guerrilla and terrorist organization in Peru. The goal of Shining Path is establish a maoist and dictatorship state in Peru. They were the main cause of Internal Conflict in Peru (1980-2000). The organization was founded by Abimael Guzmán in 1980. They have been known to engage in drug trafficking and other related activities.
“ | We practice selective annihilation of mayors and government officials, for example, to create a vacuum, then we fill that vacuum. As popular war advances, peace is closer. | „ |
~ Unidentified Shining Path officer. |
Widely condemned for its brutality, including violence deployed against peasants, trade union organizers, elected officials and the general civilian population, the Shining Path is regarded by Peru as a terrorist organization, having committed numerous human rights abuses and war crimes. Japan, the United States, the European Union, and Canada likewise classify the group as a terrorist organization and prohibit funding and other financial support. Since the capture of its leader Abimael Guzmán in 1992, the Shining Path has declined in activity.