Search results
Create the page "Wolf Haters" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- Lobo Watch is a sportsmen/anti wolf page directed by Tobey Bridges which focuses on getting rid of montana of i [[Category:Wolf Haters]] ...542 bytes (65 words) - 07:31, 1 June 2020
- ...anti wolf campaigner brag.jpeg|fullname = Alfred Bridges|occupation = Anti Wolf Campaigner|skills = Hunting ...of villain = Sadistic Hunter|alias=Toby}}Toby Bridges is a hunter and anti wolf campaigner of lobo watch. he is known for running over 2 wolves with his wi ...4 KB (613 words) - 14:39, 17 October 2022
- ...e that, she has recorded so much animal abuse with her puppies and being a wolf in sheep's clothing. stories on her instagram justifying herself and blaming her husband and haters, that they only want to annoy her and despite the fact that according to he ...3 KB (511 words) - 13:43, 9 November 2022
- ...which he brought up in an old video of his & for lashing out at the film's haters. *Antonio Balzano/Hyper Wolf Studios/TheMasterCreative: While he's a pedophile, he's too controversial a ...273 KB (41,085 words) - 10:37, 21 December 2023