Stanislava Juoniene

Stanislava Zuzana Ivanauskaite-Juoniene (born February 21,1938 in Kaunas)-Soviet figure, candidate of history sciences.


1960 Graduated from Vilnius University in 1960–1962. taught there. 1965-1967 worked at the Central State Archives of the LSSR, 1967-1971. At the Party History Institute under the Central Committee of the LCP. 1967 candidate in history. 1971-1981 Lecturer, Vilnius Civil Engineering Institute, 1975–1981. Head of the Scientific Communism Department, 1976 Associate Professor. 1981-1989 Lecturer at Vilnius Pedagogical Institute.

1988 Contributed to the establishment of the pro-Soviet organization "Jedinstvo", acted against the restoration of Lithuanian independence, 1989 May. withdrew. 1989 December. remained with the LCP (SSKP platform) with others, since 1989. December. her provisional CC, since 1990. - Member of the LCP (CPSU) CC and the Bureau of the CC, and editor of the Equal and Together publication. 1990-1991 August. Chief of the LCP newspaper Soviet Lithuania, printed in Belarus editor. The collapse of Moscow in 1991 In August 2001 he withdrew from Lithuania. Lives in Belarus, acted against Lithuanian state.