Suharto (8 June 1921 - 27 January 2008) was the second president of Indonesia from 1967 to 1998. For 31 years he ruled over Indonesia with an iron hand and under his rule his family stole roughly $15 billion in cash, shares, corporate assets, real estate, jewelry and fine art.
The legacy of Suharto's 31-year rule is debated both in Indonesia and abroad. Under his "New Order" administration, Suharto constructed a strong, centralized and military-dominated government. An ability to maintain stability over a sprawling and diverse Indonesia and an avowedly anti-Communist stance won him the economic and diplomatic support of the West during the Cold War. For most of his presidency, Indonesia experienced significant economic growth and industrialization, dramatically improving health, education and living standards. However, Indonesia's invasion and subsequent two-decade occupation of East Timor during Suharto's presidency resulted in at least 100,000 deaths. A widespread campaign of genocide and ethnic cleansing was carried out against the people of East Timor for those two decades. Suharto's government committed numerous human rights violations and war crimes in East Timor, including extrajudicial murder, acts of torture, sexual slavery, and deliberate starvation.
By the 1990s, the New Order's authoritarianism and widespread corruption were a source of discontent. In the years after his presidency, attempts to try him on charges of corruption and genocide failed because of his poor health and because of lack of support within Indonesia. He resigned in 1998, but remained in Indonesia for the rest of his life and was never prosecuted for any of his crimes. He died from congestive heart failure in 2008.
According to Transparency International, Suharto is the most corrupt leader in modern history, having embezzled an alleged $15–35 billion during his rule.