Talk:Jair Bolsonaro

Bolsonaro is the Ferdinand Edralin Marcos and Adolf Hitler of Brazil.

Why are you comparing Bolsonaro to a man who used many methods of torture, sexual assault and rape towards several people, as well as a man who annihilated not only six million Jews, but also several Slavs, homosexuals and disabled people? By the way, Bolsonaro is allied with Israel, a predominatly Jewish nation, so he is not an Anti-Semite, unlike Hitler. ChaoticNick273 (talk) 8:02, January 4, 2020 (UTC)

Does he deserve a page here? edit

Did Bolsonaro do anything corrupt that would land him a page here?Thenabster126 (talk) 20:51, January 3, 2020 (UTC) Well, I can name one. He's responsible for the acceleration of the destruction of the Amazon rainforest.

= The page is too short edit

Just to say here. From RodrickRules123

"Just a controversial politician" edit

I don't know who said this deceit when deleting my page but Jair bolsonaro is extremely worse than trump (which also has a page on this wiki), he threatens a coup d'etat every week, started a corruption scheme involving vaccine purchases (resulting in the death of hundreds of thousands of people). If the trump has a page here, bolsonaro must also have it

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