Russel Brand & Johnathon Ross edit

Isn't it a bit extreme to label these two as villains?Malcasablanca (talk) 14:43, May 8, 2015 (UTC)

Indeed it is.--General MGD 109 (talk) 19:34, May 8, 2015 (UTC)

Knife Rights edit

I actually am friends with Doug Ritter, the Founder and Chairman of Knife Rights. They are not "Knife-Toting fanatics who turned to the dark side." and frankly, such a statement is insulting. They are a lobby group that attempts to get unfair laws regulating pocket knives repealed, and provides legal protection from malicious proscution of those that collect, carry, make, and sell said knives.

As such, I politely request that you remove Mr. Ritter's group from this list and this site. They have not, do not, and never will advocate illegal or violent activity of any sort.

As proof of their harmless intent, I have provided a link to their mission statement:

Thank you for your time.

Raylas (talk) 00:06, July 5, 2015 (UTC)

Thule Society

I can understand Galteri but edit

Why L. Ron Hubbard?

Buddyrichiedonmoochie (talk) 17:22, August 25, 2015 (UTC)

Natural Disasters edit

Natural disasters aren't villains, this wiki is about real-life villains that are people.

JeagerEX12 (talk) 17:43, September 12, 2015 (UTC)

And for that reason I don't think Baffin Island should be put in. It's not its fault that the polar vortex happened. I like Elle, you like Elle, everybody likes Elle (talk) 04:39, January 2, 2016 (UTC)

Idea for a New Category edit

I've got an idea for a category called "Abusers of Freedoms". Basically any villain on this wiki who has used the Bill of Rights (if they're American) or any other civil liberites as an excuse to do horrible things can fall under this category e.g. Westboro Baptist Church, the Klu Klux Klan, school shooters, cyberbullying etc.Malcasablanca (talk) 13:36, March 10, 2016 (UTC)

Where Are the Clintons? edit

Why are we giving Bill and Hillary Clinton free passes when they've done villainous things like adultery in both of their cases, along with possibly rape in Bill's case and the e-mail scandals Hillary is increasingly infamous for? I ask this, because nobody has brought this up. To make things worse, they are both Karma Houdini.

CFAK69 (talk) 03:49, October 6, 2016 (UTC)

I agree completely. I'm not a supporter of anyone in this election and I find the Clintons not being here is somewhat baffling. They have done quite a bit of bad things throughout their career (mistreating people of color, treating them unfairly in their times, using racial slurs referring to them, Hillary's anti-semetic, corruption, etc.) Thewatchers99 (talk) 04:05, November 4, 2016 (UTC)

Adultery doesn't warrant a page, neither do unfounded and unproven accusations surrounding Hillary's e-mails. Bill Clinton was never proven as a rapist, so you might as well create a page on anyone who may have raped someone at some point User:Xbsv

James Huberty edit

We can remove James Huberty from this list, as he is in the page James Oliver Huberty

Fine Bros and Leafy edit

Calling them villains is too harsh tbh. --🔞 Hey everybody the sun came up! You yeah gotta drum 🔞 (talk) 16:10, January 2, 2017 (UTC)

Are you fuckin' serious? Villain an INSULT? The fuck???

Billy cougar (talk) 19:58, March 7, 2017 (UTC)

SJWs? edit

I'm not sure if this would be acceptable, but I think it would be a nice to add a page on SJWs since there's a page on the alt-right already on here, it would make sense to me to have a page on SJWs.

Maruchan97 (talk) 19:31, March 7, 2017 (UTC)

Agree. Fuck the left-wing!

Billy cougar (talk) 19:58, March 7, 2017 (UTC)

Right... But really, the reason why I suggested for there to be an SJW page because of their extremist nature, them calling anyone they don't approve of regardless of what they've done a racist or bigot and a number of instances of bullying that led to a suicide attempt. Specifically, an incident that happened during late 2015 involving artist on Tumblr named zamii070. The artist attempted suicide due to bullying and this all because she drew Rose Quartz (a character from Steven Universe) as supposedly being thinner than the character actually looked. As a result, she had to be hospitalized but was able to recover. As of now, she's doing fine had recieved, a lot of support.This one of many instances of bullying caused by SJWs that had serious consequences. If you want to know more about the incident you can check it out here: Or just search for Zamii070 for more info.

Maruchan97 (talk) 01:59, March 8, 2017 (UTC))

Steve Stephens, Facebook Killer edit

I'd say all of that makes him worthy of being added here.--The Immortal Selene (talk) 08:47, April 18, 2017 (UTC)

Harvey Weinstein edit

Article added. Remove his name from the list.The Immortal Selene (talk) 03:38, October 19, 2017 (UTC)

Hispanophobia edit

Since I added the Hispanophobia page, it can be removed from the list. 🙂✌️👍 Amanda47 🎵❤️🌺 (talk) 18:52, November 26, 2017 (UTC)

Pages we DON'T need to add edit

Some of these would get deleted, or don't have enough info to know if they are suitable.

  • Agha Waqqur, robbery can meet the Specifications for Warranting a Page but not automatically. Can't find any info on him online.
  • Alan García, nothing villainous alleged here
  • Alminbar, is it major? We've purged lots of Internet drama recently
  • Andre Curry, Andrea Dworkin, two in a row with no real info.
  • Antonio Lievano (SoFloAntonio), Internet drama unlikely to meet Specifications for Warranting a Page
  • Atomic Bombing of Japan, not widely considered a war crime
  • Bill Cosby, he is awaiting trial therefore we are awaiting trial
  • Bobby Frank Cherry, needs to be particularly widespread/serious per the Specifications for Warranting a Page
  • Bohemian Club, if you gotta use the word "accused" to justify an article, you can't justify an article
  • Brett Keane, doesn't meet the Specifications for Warranting a Page
  • Byrd Dickens, "charged with"
  • Casey Anthony, spectacularly and famously acquitted
  • Cesare Borgia, no info
  • Christian Slater, is it a serious assault? Need more info.
  • Weston Chandler, no info
  • Cory Homertziem, Internet drama
  • Daniel McDonald, nothing serious alleged
  • Darryl Blue, evil bus aide???
  • David Harris, not a heinous criminal

Devon Tracey, Internet drama

  • Dylan Quick, Ed Dahlberg, Edward I Longshanks, 3 in a row with no info
  • Elena Ceausescu, so? Just politics
  • Emilio Estefan, he... what? Produces evil music and doesn't agree with someone else's politics?
  • Frank Farian, might meet Specifications for Warranting a Page but it'd have to be major and criminal
  • The Fine Brothers, Internet drama
  • Guiseppe Zangara, no info
  • Hate Club, is this a joke?
  • Hecklers, not villainous
  • Henri Christophe, Henry Clay Frick; no details
  • Herman Frank Cash, might be serious enough; more info needed
  • Horacio Cartes, just politics
  • Honorius, Howard Schneider, more info needed
  • James von Brunn, no info
  • Jarno Elg, no info
  • Jiang Qing, prostitution is not heinous
  • Joao Acacio Pereira de Costa, no info
  • Jon Watson, Internet drama
  • Julie Hermann, no info
  • Keemstar (Daniel Keem), no info
  • Knife Rights, sounds like an advocacy group?
  • LeafyisHere, Internet drama
  • Louie Sanchez, no info
  • Matthew Hagee, no info
  • Mega Killz/A secret Alt, Internet drama
  • Michelle Bachelet, just politics
  • Mining Accident, not villainy
  • Moldova police system, too broad/speculative
  • North Korea, same reason
  • PrincessElizabeth013/Erin Anthony, Internet drama
  • Richard Gale, more detail needed
  • Rob Miles, more detail needed
  • Stacey Koon, no info
  • Stephen VI, just politics
  • The Sinking of the RMS Lusitania, the real villains aren't the sinkers, it's the people who put war goods (ammunition) on a passenger ship and sailed it into a declared warzone
  • Theodore Shoebat, Thom7, Internet drama
  • Virginia Abernathy, no detail
  • William Walker, not villainous
  • John Munyakazi, no info
  • Zoe Quinn, no info

All need to go or get a little more info showing they fit the creation rules. Giffany (talk) 01:43, December 26, 2017 (UTC)

Animals edit

but what if animals are forced or grown up to kill people that's not natural and they should be on this fandom

Pages that needed to be added edit

Confederate States of America - former racist unrecognized country that has secceded from USA and supports slavery Taiping Rebellion - event Taiping Heavenly Kingdom - fanatic hypocritical theocrastic unrecognized state in Qing China that has caused lot of deaths and instituted sex segregation, forced Christianity on their peoples, committed massacres of Manchus 2021 South Africa unrest - event

Spelling error edit

Fix spelling in secceded.

Next page to be added edit

StB - secret police that repressed opposition in Czechoslovakia Sudeten German Party - traitorous and Nazi party in Czechoslovakia Konrad Heinlein - Nazi that created Sudeten German Party and traitor to Czechoslovakia 1948 Czechoslovak coup d'etat - event that lead to communist regime in Czechoslovakia Normalization (Czechoslovakia) - repressive period in Czechoslovakia Forced labour camps in Czechoslovakia - camps that existed between 1948 and 1954 Oskar Poitorek - governor of Bosnia and Herzegovina during 1911 to 1914 that incited anti-Serb protest and reestablished Schutzkorps that has oppressed Serbs Czechoslovak Border Guard - border guard during Czechoslovak communist regime that restricted freedom of movement between Iron Curtain and killed people trying to leave Czechoslovakia. Vrbětice explosion - terrorist attack in a ammunition storage committed by GRU in 2014 Schutzkorps - Anti-Serb militia that existed in Austria-Hungary Iron Curtain - the border that divided Europe during Cold War Berlin Wall - border wall that infamously separated West and East Berlin

Next page to be added edit

StB - secret police that repressed opposition in Czechoslovakia Sudeten German Party - traitorous and Nazi party in Czechoslovakia Konrad Heinlein - Nazi that created Sudeten German Party and traitor to Czechoslovakia 1948 Czechoslovak coup d'etat - event that lead to communist regime in Czechoslovakia Normalization (Czechoslovakia) - repressive period in Czechoslovakia Forced labour camps in Czechoslovakia - camps that existed between 1948 and 1954 Oskar Poitorek - governor of Bosnia and Herzegovina during 1911 to 1914 that incited anti-Serb protest and reestablished Schutzkorps that has oppressed Serbs Czechoslovak Border Guard - border guard during Czechoslovak communist regime that restricted freedom of movement between Iron Curtain and killed people trying to leave Czechoslovakia. Vrbětice explosion - terrorist attack in a ammunition storage committed by GRU in 2014 Schutzkorps - Anti-Serb militia that existed in Austria-Hungary Iron Curtain - the border that divided Europe during Cold War Berlin Wall - border wall that infamously separated West and East Berlin

Some Candidates edit

Another Candidate edit

  • Dzhokhar Dudaev — First president of Chechen Republic Ichkeria that won on No alternative elections, abusing and blackmailing national minority and becoming more and more authoritarian for what he was killed by Russian Army.

Add this person to the wanted pages ASAP(?) edit

Nobody mentioned Mamoru Takuma, he was a Japanese serial killer who is known to stab 8 young children at Osaka Elementary School. He was also featured in a YouTube Channel named Horror Stories. He also has a dark criminal past, in 1984, he raped a woman while collecting rent at a company, he then sought a psychiatrist afterward where he was diagnosed with anxiety. He was then sentenced to 3 years in prison when he was caught, during that time he wanted to commit suicide. After his release from prison, he was involved in a few fatal car accidents where it was at his fault, he wasn't indicted on any charges though. In 1998, he was fired for assaulting a passenger because of her perfume, he then found a new job at an elementary school as a maintenance man. In 1999, he dissolved his own tranquilizer into the tea where he worked at that time, sending 4 people to the hospital. Takuma was arrested again but wasn't formally punished because of his mental illness, the same year he has been arrested again (yes again) for burglary but the charges were dropped. He got a job as a taxi driver but was fired the next year after he assaulted a bellhop by breaking his nose. That year he was kicked out of several apartments for throwing garbage out of the balcony. All of this would lead to his ultimate massacre where he worked as a janitor in 2001. He attacked students using a kitchen knife killing 8 and injuring several others and admitted his hatred toward "elite children" at that school. Mamoru Takuma was sentenced to death because of this and he refused to apologize to the victims stating he wanted to also use gasoline to kill people faster, he was executed in September of 2004. He was influenced by Kaoru Kobayashi.

i have a question edit

should mannerheim be added here

Next pages to be added. edit

Andrew Wakefield - the ableist person who has made autism and vaccine link lie. ExxonMobil - the corporation that has played role in climate change and has committed human rights violations and climate change denialism. Anthropocentrism - ideology that supports human dominance and it caused environmental devastion. Human overpopulation - event Lobotomy - villainous medical treatment.

David Haas edit

He is a Catholic composer who is known for You Are Mine, We Are Called, etc. He is a serial sex abuser who has targeted many women and girls over the years. I am unsure as to which accusations are actually true, so I am using my discretion. Many churches and dioceses have banned his music due to the accusations. GIA Publications, a sacred music publisher, has dropped Haas' music from their hymnals. For the full report, look here:

Fur trade edit

I think that fur trade should be added to this list since it caused not only big suffering to animals but also barbaric conquest of Siberia.

Remove Keigo Oyamada/Cornelius edit

"I had agreed to an interview with Quick Japan (Aug. 1995 issue) with bullying as the theme, as I had felt that I wanted to correct the misinformation. The publisher's plan and intention of using bullying as the main subject of the article, to my current understanding, is unethical and lacking consideration for the feelings of the victims and people that were in the same position. However, at the time, I did not think about this and did the interview and explained what I had witnessed as a child." - Cornelius

He made an additional statement which stated how a blog post that circulated online edited information from past interviews to describe Oyamada as the perpetrator, even though the original Quick Japan interview stated that he did not commit the acts in question.

I suggest Daman Mills edit

But then, that would be forbidden due to internet drama.

RegalHyperus18 (talk) 18:22, 4 May 2022 (UTC)

Ted Nugent edit

I know it says that he is just a controversial singer but i have made a list of his crimes.

Crimes of Ted Nugent


Song Plagiarism

Hate Speech

Domestic Abuse






Cyber Bullying

Animal Abuse

Spreading fake news

Submitting false statements




War Crimes

COVID denialism

Vaccine Denialism


Sexual Assasult


Death Threats




I think this enough to get him a page

Add Nelson Maatman? edit

The following links are news reports and evidence pics of Nelson Maatman's arrest in Mexico.

RegalHyperus18 (talk), 17:27, 5 August 2022 (UTC)

Some candidates edit

Assassination of Iqbal Masih murder

Hussain Khan Pakistani carpet factory owner who practiced child labour and had possible involvement in the Assassination of Iqbal Masih Theautisticrebel (talk) 19:59, 18 September 2022 (UTC)

Finnian Sloan edit

Should Foodistzen be in here. Probably not since there is no media coverage I can find of him. He was part of the reason this girl killed herself. He also made fun of many celebrity deaths and also enjoyed watching animal abuse videos and he was also part of the scamming bot youtube channel business.

Suggestions For Pages That Should Be Added Onto This Wiki edit

People edit

Alois Hitler: He was the abusive father of Adolf Hitler who was partially responsible for Hitler growing up to be a villain that we know today.

Stephen Walter: He is the drug dealer responsible for Mac Miller's death.

Slavemasters From The Slavery Era: They mistreated and beat African slaves.

Categories edit

Card-Carrying Villains: Even though I don't know any, I'm sure that there are some real life villains who do bad things just for the sake of doing bad things.

13DamienSisco2050 7:00, 14 November 2022.

Lt Corbis edit

Far right youtuber.