Evil vs Evil edit

Why was Category:Evil vs Evil removed? Emmette Hernandez Coleman (talk) 06:10, August 26, 2014 (UTC)

1. Because it was all hell on both sides.

2. Good and evil fought on both sides.

As you said, evil fought on both sides. I'm not so sure that good fought on both sides (except in the since that soldiers are good), but I'll accept that for the sake of the argument. In large groping like this, Good vs Good and Evil vs Evil are not mutually exclusive. Emmette Hernandez Coleman (talk) 17:19, August 28, 2014 (UTC)
However I suppose the real reason I added the category was that most of Europe decided to fight a war for almost no reason, those regimes sent those solders to die for nothing. There were a few legitimate disputes. e.g. it's my understanding that Serbia, part of Yugoslavia, was understandably unhappy that Austria-Hungry was ruling northern Yugoslavia, but my understanding is that the war overall was fought for no real reason other then webs of entangling alliances. To fight a war so lightly is evil, those soldiers deserved better, not to mention the civilians.
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