Ted Kaczynski (born May 22, 1942) (better known by his alias as the Unabomber) is a very notorious real-world terrorist/bomber who engaged in a reign of terror lasting nearly 20 years before he was finally captured: his bombings killed three people and injured 23 others.
He is perhaps one of the most extreme examples of an eco-terrorist he had lived in isolation in a cabin for a long time practicing a survivalist lifestyle and grew agitated when the wilderness around his home started to come under threat from civilisation, which was building on the land - thus Ted began his mail bombing campaign: sending his bombs to universities and airlines, amongst other targets.
Ted would admit to authorities that he knew his actions were "extreme" but he felt they were justified as a means of warning people about the dangers of modern life and what he viewed as the erosion of human freedom caused by technology and modern living.
He is current serving a life sentence for his crimes, despite the gravity of his offenses some prominent anarcho-primitives (a branch of environmentalism / anarchism) have come to his defence - though almost all who have spoken publically on the matter disagreed with Ted's methods.