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===[[Charles Manson]] (Symbol)===
===[[Charles Manson]] (Symbol)===
Charles Manson (1934-2017) was an American cult leader who was found guilty of orchestrating a series of murders in Los Angeles in 1969. Manson's teachings merged new age hippie beliefs, Christianity and racism. He believed a race war was imminent, and that it should be accelerated in order to ensure that he and his cult could rule the world as the world's last white people. From his jail cell, Manson became a figure of inspiration and eventually a figurehead for neo-Nazi accelerationist groups.[[File:MansonB33920_8-14-17_(cropped).jpg|center|thumb|Charles Manson]]
[[File:MansonB33920_8-14-17_(cropped).jpg|center|thumb|Charles Manson]]

===Confederate Flag (Symbol)===
===Confederate Flag (Symbol)===
The Confederate Army of Northern Virginia in the American Civil War’s battle flag, commonly known as the Confederate Flag became a widely-used symbol of the slaveholding South after their defeat, and the pseudohistorical "Lost Cause" mythos that followed. The flag was often used to express racial animus during moments of widespread civil rights and labour activism, and is often associated with a variety of racist and far-right views. The flag, which is sometimes used as a symbol of rural identity, has a history of being flown outside the US, and appeared alongside other extreme symbols at the January 6th insurrection, and at the 2022 ''Freedom Convoy'' in Ottawa.[[File:Confederate Rebel Flag.png|thumb|center|The Confederate Flag]]

[[File:Confederate Rebel Flag.png|thumb|center|The Confederate Flag]]
===Conquered, Not Stolen (Phrase)===
“Conquered, Not Stolen” is an anti-indigenous phrase that celebrates the colonial system and genocide implemented by European settlers. The phrase proposes that land should belong to a race or culture that last fought to conquer it. “Conquered, Not Stolen” is a chauvinistic statement intended to push back upon attempts by settler societies to push back upon attempts by settlers to confront, and reconcile with their colonial history by promoting genocide celebration and white nationalist interperetations of history. The phrase is also used to articulate the support for maintaining the privileged societal position of white European colonizers. It is used by the US American white nationalist/supremacist group “Patriot Front” in their propaganda.

===Conquered, Not Stolen (Phrase)===
The irony of whenever people use this is the fact that they don’t realize “conquered” is worse as people’s land is taken over, and conquering is basically the same thing as stealing.[[File:ConqueredNotStolen.png|thumb|center|A "Conquered, Not Stolen" propaganda poster by the [[Patriot Front]]]]
[[File:ConqueredNotStolen.png|thumb|center|A "Conquered, Not Stolen" propaganda poster by the [[Patriot Front]]]]

===Cuckservative (Term)===
===Cuckservative (Term)===
[[File:CuckservatismFakeAndGay.jpg|thumb|center|A picture of Erin O'Toole crudely photoshopped on a Pride flag. Above and below, the captions read "cuckservatism is fake and gay!"]]
"Cuckservative" is a term that typically mocks conservatives from an extreme right-wing position. It includes the language of "cuck", a popular insult in far-right spaces that attempts to demasculate primarily male targets. Though broadly used, it often accompanies grievances that conservativism as it's commonly understood is ineffective and that conservatives should embrace the more extreme politics of fascism.[[File:CuckservatismFakeAndGay.jpg|thumb|center|A picture of Erin O'Toole crudely photoshopped on a Pride flag. Above and below, the captions read "cuckservatism is fake and gay!"]]

===Cultural Marxism (Dogwhistle/Conspiracy)===
===Cultural Marxism (Dogwhistle/Conspiracy)===
[[File:SmashCulturalMarxism.png|thumb|center|Smash Cultural Marxism]]
"Cultural Marxism" refers to an antisemitic conspiracy theory that alleges the continued existence of Marxist theory is part of a sinister Jewish plot. It appears commonly as an antisemitic dogwhistle.
Far Right users would encourage people to "Smash Cultural Marxism". The catchphrase uses "Cultural Marxism" as a placeholder for perceived Jewish control of culture.[[File:SmashCulturalMarxism.png|thumb|center|Smash Cultural Marxism]]

===Day of the Rope (Phrase)===
===Day of the Rope (Phrase)===
[[File:DayOfTheRope.png|thumb|center|An image of a noose, with captions saying “The Day of the Rope is nigh”]]
"Day of the Rope" is a call for violence taken from the 1978 white nationalist propaganda novel The Turner Diaries written by Neo-Nazi William Luther Pierce, which depicts a fictional overthrow of the US government and ensuring a race war. Pierce’s book was influential among white supremacists/nationalists including Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, who was found with pages after the attack. In the book, this phrase refers to a scene in the book where “race traitors” and enemies are executed en masse. Subsequent works by white supremacists have referenced the Day of the Rope. There are numerous explicit and implicit posts referencing "Day of the Rope", which is sometimes referenced through noose related imagery.[[File:DayOfTheRope.png|thumb|center|An image of a noose, with captions saying “The Day of the Rope is nigh”]]

===Dancing Israelis (Conspiracy)===
===Dancing Israelis (Conspiracy)===