top: Merging into Male category (Using AutoWikiBrowser).
imported>Gul The Darkness
Adding categories
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[[Category:Doctors and Scientists]]
[[Category:Destroyer of Innocence]]
[[Category:Corrupt Officials]]
[[Category:Arrogant Villains]]

Revision as of 02:40, 8 October 2017


Fedorowycz Viktor Yanukovych, (born July 9, 1950 in Jenakijewem in Donetsk region) - Ukrainian politician, scientist, professor of economics and law, the author of over 50 publications in the field of economy, Prime Minister of Ukraine in 2002-2005 and 2006-2007, the leader of the Party regions, since 2010 the President of Ukraine. Criticized by many states for incarceration Yulia Tymoshenko and authoritarian style of government.