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{{Quote|You can all kiss my ass! You'll never find the rest!|[[John Wayne Gacy]] before execution by lethal injection.}}
{{Quote|You can all kiss my ass! You'll never find the rest!|[[John Wayne Gacy]] before execution by lethal injection.}}
{{Quote|Ich Bin Heinrich Himmler. (Translated: I am Heinrich Himmler.)|[[Heinrich Himmler]]}}
{{Quote|Ich Bin Heinrich Himmler. (Translated: I am Heinrich Himmler.)|[[Heinrich Himmler]]}}
{{Quote|Useless, useless...|[[John Wilkes Booth]]. After getting fatally shot and was dragged to the porch of the Garrett farm house.}}
{{Quote|لا تتحول ضوء. (Translate: Don't turn out the light.)|[[Osama Bin Laden]] 15 minutes before he was shot by US Special Forces.}}
{{Quote|لا تتحول ضوء. (Translate: Don't turn out the light.)|[[Osama Bin Laden]] 15 minutes before he was shot by US Special Forces.}}
{{Quote|I don't care if I live or die. Go ahead and kill me.|[[Jeffery Dahmer]] to fellow inmate [[Christopher Scarver]], who then beat him to death with a preacher bar (part of a weight lifting machine).}}
{{Quote|I don't care if I live or die. Go ahead and kill me.|[[Jeffery Dahmer]] to fellow inmate [[Christopher Scarver]], who then beat him to death with a preacher bar (part of a weight lifting machine).}}
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{{Quote|Ich hoffe, dass Ihr ihr ihr ihr alle mir folgen werdet. (Translated: I hope that all of you will follow me.)|[[Adolf Eichmann]] before he was executed by hanging in Israel.}}
{{Quote|Ich hoffe, dass Ihr ihr ihr ihr alle mir folgen werdet. (Translated: I hope that all of you will follow me.)|[[Adolf Eichmann]] before he was executed by hanging in Israel.}}
{{Quote|Keine. (Translated: None.)|[[Alfred Rosenberg]] response if he had any last words before he was hanged.}}
{{Quote|Keine. (Translated: None.)|[[Alfred Rosenberg]] response if he had any last words before he was hanged.}}
{{Quote|Ich will nicht mehr mit ihr reden. (Translated: I don't want to speak to her anymore.)|[[Adolf Hitler]] last words to [ adjutant Otto Günsche] when he informed him that [[Magda Goebbels]] wanted to speak to him.}}
{{Quote|Vor allem verpflichte ich die Führung der Nation und die Gefolgschaft zur peinlichen Einhaltung der Rassegesetze und zum unbarmherzigen Widerstand gegen den Weltvergifter aller Völker, das internationale Judentum. (Translated: Above all, I charge the leadership of the nation and their followers with the strict observance of the racial laws and with merciless resistance against the universal poisoners of all peoples, international Jewry.)|[[Adolf Hitler]] closing his last will before committing joint suicide with his wife Eva}}
{{Quote|Please don't let me fall!|[[Mary Surratt]] before she was executed by hanging.}}
{{Quote|Please don't let me fall!|[[Mary Surratt]] before she was executed by hanging.}}
{{Quote|I'd like you to give my love to my family and friends.|[[Ted Bundy]] before being executed by the Electric chair.}}
{{Quote|I'd like you to give my love to my family and friends.|[[Ted Bundy]] before being executed by the Electric chair.}}
{{Quote|maza tafalin ine harram hudha ger masmouh beh fe shariaa al-islamiya. harram. ma tafaluneh mamanoua fe al-islam! (Translation: What are you doing?  It's haraam.  It's not allowed in Islamic law. Haraam. What you are doing is forbidden in Islam!)|[ Muammar Gaddafi] before he was shot to death by Libyan rebels.}}
{{Quote|maza tafalin ine harram hudha ger masmouh beh fe shariaa al-islamiya. harram. ma tafaluneh mamanoua fe al-islam! (Translation: What are you doing?  It's haraam.  It's not allowed in Islamic law. Haraam. What you are doing is forbidden in Islam!)|[[Muammar Gaddafi]] before he was shot to death by Libyan rebels.}}
{{Quote|You got me.|[[John Dillinger]] after being shot. Note: According to FBI reports, Dillinger had no last words. However, this remains highly disputed. It is rumored that he said "You got me." after he was shot. Dillinger's lips were reportedly moving just after he fell from being shot outside the Biograph Theater, but what he might have said is unknown (not to mention that his speech may have been slurred due to his injuries)}}
{{Quote|You got me.|[[John Dillinger]] after being shot. Note: According to FBI reports, Dillinger had no last words. However, this remains highly disputed. It is rumored that he said "You got me." after he was shot. Dillinger's lips were reportedly moving just after he fell from being shot outside the Biograph Theater, but what he might have said is unknown (not to mention that his speech may have been slurred due to his injuries)}}
{{Quote|Dzhh| [[Joseph Stalin]] unintelligible responses to Peter Lozgachev when he find Stalin lying on his back on the floor of his room beside his bed wearing pyjama bottoms and an undershirt with his clothes soaked in stale urine.}}
{{Quote|Dzhh| [[Joseph Stalin]] unintelligible responses to Peter Lozgachev when he find Stalin lying on his back on the floor of his room beside his bed wearing pyjama bottoms and an undershirt with his clothes soaked in stale urine.}}
{{Quote|彼のうるさい雄大な生きがちで、千年も生き続け (Translated: May his glorious majesty live for ten thousand years!) |[[Hideki Tojo]] before he was hanged for war crimes committed during World War Two.}}
{{Quote|彼のうるさい雄大な生きがちで、千年も生き続け (Translated: May his glorious majesty live for ten thousand years!) |[[Hideki Tojo]] before he was hanged for war crimes committed during World War Two.}}
{{Quote|All right, I'll take you with me.|[[Andrew Kehoe]] to superintendent Emory E. Huyck before blowing up his truck killing him, Huyck, and a few other bystanders.}}
{{Quote|All right, I'll take you with me.|[[Andrew Kehoe]] to superintendent Emory E. Huyck before blowing up his truck killing him, Huyck, and a few other bystanders.}}
{{Quote|...take our life from us, we laid it down, we got tired. We didn't commit suicide. We committed an act of revolutionary suicide protesting the conditions of an inhumane world.|[[Jim Jones]] whose words were part of a recording on an audiocassette found at the People's Temple compound in Guyana after the mass suicide of 1978.}}
{{Quote|...take our life from us, we laid it down, we got tired. We didn't commit suicide. We committed an act of revolutionary suicide protesting the conditions of an inhumane world.|[[Jim Jones]] whose words were part of a recording on an audiocassette found at the [[People's Temple]] compound in Guyana after the mass suicide of 1978.}}
{{Quote|I trust in the merits of Christ. All is lost! Monks! Monks! Monks!|[[Henry VIII]]}}
{{Quote|I trust in the merits of Christ. All is lost! Monks! Monks! Monks!|[[Henry VIII]]}}
{{Quote|Qualis artifex pereo sit mecum? (Translated: What an artist is perishing with me!)|[[Emperor Nero]] after committing suicide.}}
{{Quote|Sero! Haec est fides! (Translated: Too late! This is fidelity!)|[[Emperor Nero]] to a soldier sent to arrest him while dying from blood loss.}}
{{Quote|I forgot something.|[[George Lincoln Rockwell]] spoke those words to no one in particular as he left the laundromat to get something from his car. Moments later, [[John Patler]], a former member of Rockwell’s group, fatally shot Rockwell from the roof of the shopping center.}}
{{Quote|I forgot something.|[[George Lincoln Rockwell]] spoke those words to no one in particular as he left the laundromat to get something from his car. Moments later, [[John Patler]], a former member of Rockwell’s group, fatally shot Rockwell from the roof of the shopping center.}}
{{Quote|Ich werde dich wiedersehen. (Translated: I'll see you again.)|[[Joachim von Ribbentrop]] spoke these words to a Lutheran pastor before he was hanged at Nuremberg.}}
{{Quote|Ich werde dich wiedersehen. (Translated: I'll see you again.)|[[Joachim von Ribbentrop]] spoke these words to a Lutheran pastor before he was hanged at Nuremberg.}}
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{{Quote|Wir kennen die russischen Methoden genau. Ich habe nicht die leiseste Absicht, von den Russen gefangen genommen zu werden. (Translated: We know the Russian methods exactly. I haven't the faintest intention of being taken prisoner by the Russians.)|[[Heinrich Muller]] last known words to Hitler's pilot Hans Baur before Muller mysteriously disappeared from history.}}
{{Quote|Wir kennen die russischen Methoden genau. Ich habe nicht die leiseste Absicht, von den Russen gefangen genommen zu werden. (Translated: We know the Russian methods exactly. I haven't the faintest intention of being taken prisoner by the Russians.)|[[Heinrich Muller]] last known words to Hitler's pilot Hans Baur before Muller mysteriously disappeared from history.}}
{{Quote|Heil Hitler.|[[Amon Göth]] before getting executed by hanging. It is later used in the 1993 film ''Schindler's List''}}
{{Quote|Heil Hitler.|[[Amon Göth]] before getting executed by hanging. It is later used in the 1993 film ''Schindler's List''}}
{{Quote|One! Two! Three!|[[Eric Harris]] and [[Dylan Klebold]] saying at the same time before committing suicide}}
{{Quote|That picture is awful dusty.|[[Jesse James]]}}
{{Quote|That picture is awful dusty.|[[Jesse James]]}}
{{Quote|I did not get my Spaghetti-O's. I got spaghetti. I want the press to know this.|[[Thomas J. Grasso]], referring to his last meal before he was executed by lethal injection.}}
{{Quote|I did not get my Spaghetti-O's. I got spaghetti. I want the press to know this.|[[Thomas J. Grasso]], referring to his last meal before he was executed by lethal injection.}}
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{{Quote|We do in all honesty hate this world.|[[Marshall Applewhite]]'s final words prior to Heaven's Gate's mass suicide of 39 members including himself}}
{{Quote|We do in all honesty hate this world.|[[Marshall Applewhite]]'s final words prior to Heaven's Gate's mass suicide of 39 members including himself}}
{{Quote|I'm the most famous human being not only that is alive but the most famous human being that has ever lived. And I'm not even dead yet. What do you think is gonna happen when I die?|[[Charles Manson]]}}
{{Quote|I'm the most famous human being not only that is alive but the most famous human being that has ever lived. And I'm not even dead yet. What do you think is gonna happen when I die?|[[Charles Manson]]}}
{{Quote|Help|[[Richard Nixon]]'s last words to his housekeeper while having a stroke}}
{{Quote|Help.|[[Richard Nixon]]'s last words to his housekeeper while having a stroke}}
{{Quote|I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.|[[Timothy McVeigh]], quoting the poem "Invictus" before being executed by lethal injection.}}
{{Quote|I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.|[[Timothy McVeigh]], quoting the poem "Invictus" before being executed by lethal injection.}}
{{Quote|Llegará el momento para todos nosotros, pero las ideas de los comunistas cubanos seguirán siendo como prueba en este planeta de que si se trabajan con fervor y dignidad, pueden producir los bienes materiales y culturales que los seres humanos necesitan, y tenemos que luchar sin tregua para están en ellos. ¡Hacia la victoria, siempre! (Translation: The time will come for all of us, but the ideas of the Cuban communists will remain as proof on this planet that if they are worked at with fervour and dignity, they can produce the material and cultural goods that human beings need, and we need to fight without truce to obtain them. Towards victory, always!)|[[Fidel Castro]] giving a farewell speech to the Cuban congress just days before he passed away.}}
{{Quote|Llegará el momento para todos nosotros, pero las ideas de los comunistas cubanos seguirán siendo como prueba en este planeta de que si se trabajan con fervor y dignidad, pueden producir los bienes materiales y culturales que los seres humanos necesitan, y tenemos que luchar sin tregua para están en ellos. ¡Hacia la victoria, siempre! (Translation: The time will come for all of us, but the ideas of the Cuban communists will remain as proof on this planet that if they are worked at with fervour and dignity, they can produce the material and cultural goods that human beings need, and we need to fight without truce to obtain them. Towards victory, always!)|[[Fidel Castro]] giving a farewell speech to the Cuban congress just days before he passed away.}}
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{{Quote|Sé que estas aqui para matarme. Dispara, cobarde, solo vas a matar a un hombre. (Translated: I know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man.)|[[Che Guevara]], spoken to his executioner, Sergeant Jaime Terán,}}
{{Quote|Sé que estas aqui para matarme. Dispara, cobarde, solo vas a matar a un hombre. (Translated: I know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man.)|[[Che Guevara]], spoken to his executioner, Sergeant Jaime Terán,}}
{{Quote|Oh, do not cry. Be good children, and we shall all meet in Heaven … I want to meet you all, white and black, in Heaven.|[[Andrew Jackson]], to his grand-children and his servants, as quoted in ''The National Preacher'' (1845) by Austin Dickinson, p. 192.}}
{{Quote|Oh, do not cry. Be good children, and we shall all meet in Heaven … I want to meet you all, white and black, in Heaven.|[[Andrew Jackson]], to his grand-children and his servants, as quoted in ''The National Preacher'' (1845) by Austin Dickinson, p. 192.}}
{{Quote|O Lord Almighty, as thou wilt.|[[James Buchanan]]}}
{{Quote|My right side is paralyzed. I need no doctor. I can overcome my own troubles.|[[Andrew Johnson]], to his granddaughter, who was about to send for a doctor.}}
{{Quote|My right side is paralyzed. I need no doctor. I can overcome my own troubles.|[[Andrew Johnson]], to his granddaughter, who was about to send for a doctor.}}
{{Quote|Какие? Какие? (Translated: What kind?! What kind?!)|[[Nicholas II]], just prior to being executed.}}
{{Quote|Какие? Какие? (Translated: What kind?! What kind?!)|[[Nicholas II]], just prior to being executed.}}
{{Quote|Fuck!|[[Lee Harvey Oswald]], after he was shot by [[Jack Ruby]]. He died shortly afterwards.}}
{{Quote|Useless, useless...|[[John Wilkes Booth]], three hours after getting fatally shot by Boston Corbett. He died moments later.}}
{{Quote|Fuck!|[[Lee Harvey Oswald]], one second after he was fatally shot by [[Jack Ruby]]. He died less than two hours later at Parkland Memorial Hospital.}}
{{Quote|Lucia....|[[Augusto Pinochet]], calling out for his wife, Lucia Hiriart.}}
{{Quote|Lucia....|[[Augusto Pinochet]], calling out for his wife, Lucia Hiriart.}}
{{Quote|Brothers! Brothers, please! This is a house of peace!|[[Malcolm X]] to two men were staging a fight in the audience he was addressing to distract attention from assassins who were drawing their guns to shoot him. Reportedly, Malcolm was dead before his body struck the floor.}}
{{Quote|Brothers! Brothers, please! This is a house of peace!|[[Malcolm X]] to two men were staging a fight in the audience he was addressing to distract attention from assassins who were drawing their guns to shoot him. Reportedly, Malcolm was dead before his body struck the floor.}}
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{{Quote|Herr Heise, für heute reicht. (Translation: Mr. Heise, enough for today.)|[[Robert Steinhäuser]], speaking to a teacher, before committing suicide.}}
{{Quote|Herr Heise, für heute reicht. (Translation: Mr. Heise, enough for today.)|[[Robert Steinhäuser]], speaking to a teacher, before committing suicide.}}
{{Quote|Nobody shot me.|[[Frank Gusenberg]], in response to a police officer who asked "Who shot you?" Contrary to his statement, Gusenberg had been shot 14 times.}}
{{Quote|Nobody shot me.|[[Frank Gusenberg]], in response to a police officer who asked "Who shot you?" Contrary to his statement, Gusenberg had been shot 14 times.}}
{{Quote|ខ្ញុំនឹងដាក់ចុះ (Translated: I'm going to lay down).|[[Pol Pot]], spoken to his wife right before he died from heart failure.}}
{{Quote|ខ្ញុំនឹងដាក់ចុះ (Translated: I'm going to lay down).|[[Pol Pot]], spoken to his wife right before he committed suicide so he wouldn't have to stand trial for his crimes.}}
{{Quote|I was once asked by somebody - I don't remember who - if there was any way sex offenders could be stopped. I said, 'No.' I was wrong. I was wrong when I said there was no hope, no peace. There is hope. There is peace. I found both in the Lord, Jesus Christ. Look to the Lord, and you will find peace.|[[Westley Alan Dodd]], prior to being hanged.}}
{{Quote|I was once asked by somebody - I don't remember who - if there was any way sex offenders could be stopped. I said, 'No.' I was wrong. I was wrong when I said there was no hope, no peace. There is hope. There is peace. I found both in the Lord, Jesus Christ. Look to the Lord, and you will find peace.|[[Westley Alan Dodd]], prior to being hanged.}}
{{Quote|I have tried so hard to do right.|[[Grover Cleveland]]}}
{{Quote|I have tried so hard to do right.|[[Grover Cleveland]]}}
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{{Quote|I didn't murder the Hodges family. I've never murdered anybody. I'm going to my death with a clear conscience. I am going to my death having had a great life because of my two great sons.|[[Earl Bramblett]]'s last words before being executed via the electric chair in April 2003.}}
{{Quote|I didn't murder the Hodges family. I've never murdered anybody. I'm going to my death with a clear conscience. I am going to my death having had a great life because of my two great sons.|[[Earl Bramblett]]'s last words before being executed via the electric chair in April 2003.}}
{{Quote|Ooh-ee, I can feel that!|[[Anthony Allen Shore]], before being executed by lethal injection.}}
{{Quote|Ooh-ee, I can feel that!|[[Anthony Allen Shore]], before being executed by lethal injection.}}
{{Quote|Es lebe das ewige Deutschland. (Translated: Long live eternal Germany)|[[Wilhelm Frick]] to officials before being hanged.}}
{{Quote|Es lebe das ewige Deutschland. (Translated: Long live eternal Germany.)|[[Wilhelm Frick]] to officials before being hanged.}}
{{Quote|Nobody move please, we are going back to the airport, don't try to make any stupid moves.|[[Mohamed Atta]]}}
{{Quote|Nobody move please, we are going back to the airport, don't try to make any stupid moves.|[[Mohamed Atta]]}}
{{Quote|France, armée, tête d'armée, Joséphine. (Translation: France, Army, Head of the Army, Joséphine.)|[[Napoleon Bonaparte]]}}
{{Quote|France, armée, tête d'armée, Joséphine. (Translation: France, Army, Head of the Army, Joséphine.)|[[Napoleon Bonaparte]]}}
{{Quote|When I am dead, you will find Philip and Calais engraved on my heart.|[[Bloody Mary Tudor]], referring  to her husband and the loss of Calais to France.}}
{{Quote|When I am dead, you will find Philip and Calais engraved on my heart.|[[Bloody Mary Tudor]], referring  to her husband and the loss of Calais to France.}}
{{Quote|It's in God's hands now.|[[Nat Turner]],  immediately before he was hanged.}}
{{Quote|It's in God's hands now.|[[Nat Turner]],  immediately before he was hanged.}}
{{Quote|Я не переживу этого нападения. Сталин, наконец, выполнил задачу, которую он пытался безуспешно, прежде чем (Translated: I will not survive this attack. [[Joseph Stalin|Stalin]] has finally accomplished the task he has attempted unsuccessfully before)|[[Leon Trotsky]] to James P. Cannon before dying from brain damage caused when he was stabbed in the head by [[Ramón Mercader]]}}
{{Quote|Я не переживу этого нападения. Сталин, наконец, выполнил задачу, которую он пытался безуспешно, прежде чем. (Translated: I will not survive this attack. [[Joseph Stalin|Stalin]] has finally accomplished the task he has attempted unsuccessfully before.)|[[Leon Trotsky]] to James P. Cannon before dying from brain damage caused when he was stabbed in the head by [[Ramón Mercader]].}}
{{Quote|Sir, if I believed what you and the church of God say that you believe, even if England were covered with broken glass from coast to coast, I would walk over it, if need be, on hands and knees and think it worth while living, just to save one soul from an eternal hell like that!|[[Charles Peace]]}}
{{Quote|Sir, if I believed what you and the church of God say that you believe, even if England were covered with broken glass from coast to coast, I would walk over it, if need be, on hands and knees and think it worth while living, just to save one soul from an eternal hell like that!|[[Charles Peace]]}}
{{Quote|This is for you!|[[Ricardo Lopez]] in the last tape of his video diary, before committing suicide by shooting himself in the mouth.}}
{{Quote|This is for you!|[[Ricardo Lopez]] in the last tape of his video diary, before committing suicide by shooting himself in the mouth.}}
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{{Quote|Vielen Dank an die Regisseure, dass sie diese Botschaft an mein Zuhause gerichtet haben. Geschrieben einige Minuten vor meinem Tod. (Translated: Thanks to the directors for addressing this message to my home. Written several minutes before my death.)|[[Rudolf Hess]]' suicide note.}}
{{Quote|Vielen Dank an die Regisseure, dass sie diese Botschaft an mein Zuhause gerichtet haben. Geschrieben einige Minuten vor meinem Tod. (Translated: Thanks to the directors for addressing this message to my home. Written several minutes before my death.)|[[Rudolf Hess]]' suicide note.}}
{{Quote|Good-bye, good-bye all. It's God's way. His will, not ours, be done.|[[William McKinley]], dying eight days after being fatally shot by [[Leon Czolgosz]].}}
{{Quote|Good-bye, good-bye all. It's God's way. His will, not ours, be done.|[[William McKinley]], dying eight days after being fatally shot by [[Leon Czolgosz]].}}
{{Quote|È un dio (Translated: He is a god)|[[Achille Starace]] on [[Benito Mussolini]] before being killed by Italian partisans.}}
{{Quote|We've caught them napping!|[[George Armstrong Custer]] reported last words according to Giovanni Martino, that last man to see Custer and his men alive during the Battle of the Little Bighorn.}}
{{Quote|We've caught them napping!|[[George Armstrong Custer]] reported last words according to Giovanni Martino, that last man to see Custer and his men alive during the Battle of the Little Bighorn.}}
{{Quote|When the machinery is broken... I am ready.|[[Woodrow Wilson]]}}
{{Quote|What, am I fucking dying or something?|[[Leslie Grantham]] to his wife while dying of cancer.}}
{{Quote|What, am I fucking dying or something?|[[Leslie Grantham]] to his wife while dying of cancer.}}
{{Quote|Alluah Akbar! (Translated: God is great!)|[[Omar Mateen]] before being shot by police.}}
{{Quote|Allahu Akbar! (Translated: God is great!)|[[Omar Mateen]] before being shot by police.}}
{{Quote|Please, see to it that mercy is not imposed on me. I want to show that through me, Gandhiji’s non-violence is being hanged.|[[Nathuram Godse]]'s last words before being hanged.}}
{{Quote|Please, see to it that mercy is not imposed on me. I want to show that through me, Gandhiji’s non-violence is being hanged.|[[Nathuram Godse]]'s last words before being hanged.}}
{{Quote|Nenorocitilor! (Translated: You motherfucking assholes!)|[[Elena Ceaușescu]] to her firing squad.}}
{{Quote|Nenorocitilor! (Translated: You motherfucking assholes!)|[[Elena Ceaușescu]] to her firing squad.}}
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{{Quote|I don't know. I'd have killed a thousand if I'd had enough bullets.|[[Howard Unruh]] in his last media statement.}}
{{Quote|I don't know. I'd have killed a thousand if I'd had enough bullets.|[[Howard Unruh]] in his last media statement.}}
{{Quote|Upravo sam pio otrov! (Translated: I just drank poison!)|[[Slobodan Praljak]] after infamously drinking poison during his war crime trial before the ICTY. He died at a nearby hospital shortly thereafter.}}
{{Quote|Upravo sam pio otrov! (Translated: I just drank poison!)|[[Slobodan Praljak]] after infamously drinking poison during his war crime trial before the ICTY. He died at a nearby hospital shortly thereafter.}}
{{Quote|If I were to lose the case I know that I would have brought great shame on the family. It's entirely my fault what happened and there are many other events which make me make this decision|[[Eleanor de Freitas]] in her suicide note.}}
{{Quote|If I were to lose the case I know that I would have brought great shame on the family. It's entirely my fault what happened and there are many other events which make me make this decision.|[[Eleanor de Freitas]] in her suicide note.}}
{{Quote|Take that, bitch!|[[George Hennard]] to several female victims during the Luby's Massacre. Shortly thereafter he was cornered by responding police officers and committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.}}
{{Quote|Shut up!|[[James Oliver Huberty]] to victims during the McDonald's massacre. He would be shot dead by a SWAT officer during the shooting.}}
{{Quote|Shut up!|[[James Oliver Huberty]] to victims during the McDonald's massacre. He would be shot dead by a SWAT officer during the shooting.}}
{{Quote|Zimbabwe is mine.|[[Robert Mugabe]], shortly before passing away at age 95 at Gleneagles Hospital in Singapore.}}
{{Quote|Zimbabwe is mine.|[[Robert Mugabe]], shortly before passing away at age 95 at Gleneagles Hospital in Singapore.}}
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{{Quote|Thanks for your help. Have a great day!|[[Joseph Stack]] to air traffic control before taking off. Ten minutes later, he crashed into Echelon Building 1, killing himself and an IRS employee.}}
{{Quote|Thanks for your help. Have a great day!|[[Joseph Stack]] to air traffic control before taking off. Ten minutes later, he crashed into Echelon Building 1, killing himself and an IRS employee.}}
{{Quote|I am murdered!|[[Spencer Perceval]] just after being shot by [[John Bellingham]]}}
{{Quote|I am murdered!|[[Spencer Perceval]] just after being shot by [[John Bellingham]]}}
{{Quote|I love you, Sarah, for all eternity, I love you.|[[James Polk]]}}{{Quote|It's all right.|[[Carroll Cole]]}}
{{Quote|I love you, Sarah, for all eternity, I love you.|[[James K. Polk]]}}{{Quote|It's all right.|[[Carroll Cole]]}}
{{Quote|My spirit will rise from the grave and the world shall know that I was right.|[[Ferdinand Marcos]], days before passing away.}}
{{Quote|My spirit will rise from the grave and the world shall know that I was right.|[[Ferdinand Marcos]], days before passing away.}}
{{Quote|Good-bye boys; I die a true American.|[[William Poole]]}}
{{Quote|Good-bye boys; I die a true American.|[[William Poole]]}}
{{Quote|Today the revolution has been stolen by the revisionist clique of Deng, Peng Zhen, and Yang Shangkun. Chairman Mao exterminated Liu Shaoqi, but not Deng, and the result of this omission is that unending evils have been unleashed on the Chinese people and nation. Chairman, your student and fighter is coming to see you!|[[Jiang Qing]]'s suicide note.}}{{Quote|Okay, talk is over, words are placid and weak. Back it with action or it all comes off cheap. Watch close while I work now, feel the electric shock of my touch, open your trembling flower, or your petals I'll crush.|[[Israel Keyes]]'s suicide note.}}
{{Quote|Today the revolution has been stolen by the revisionist clique of Deng, Peng Zhen, and Yang Shangkun. Chairman Mao exterminated Liu Shaoqi, but not Deng, and the result of this omission is that unending evils have been unleashed on the Chinese people and nation. Chairman, your student and fighter is coming to see you!|[[Jiang Qing]]'s suicide note.}}{{Quote|Okay, talk is over, words are placid and weak. Back it with action or it all comes off cheap. Watch close while I work now, feel the electric shock of my touch, open your trembling flower, or your petals I'll crush.|[[Israel Keyes]]'s suicide note.}}
{{Quote|Jerry and Shirley, I didn't kill your daughter. The prosecutor knows that ... and they left the real killer out there on the streets to kill again and again and again.|[[Robert Anthony Buell]], before being executed by lethal injection.}}
{{Quote|Never regret that you lived in stormy times and worked with me in the Central Committee. We will yet be remembered!|[[Nikita Khrushchev]], spoken to his son-in-law and former aide Alexei Adzhubei mere days before he died in hospital of a heart attack.}}
{{Quote|You guys doin' that right?|[[Stanley Tookie Williams]], said to his executioners who appeared to be having trouble operating the machinery.}}
{{Quote|Gabriel cheated and I will make him pay for all his actions; as he said that there is Heaven and Hell, there in Hell is he; I will find him there and take revenge again.|[[Daniel Petry]], His last recorded words before his presumed death}}
{{Quote|HELP ME!|[[Dee Dee Blanchard]], Screaming for Gypsy to help her. (This is Possibly her last words)}}
{{Quote|I'll let my lawyers talk for me. I'm ready to go.|[[Donald Henry Gaskins]], shortly before being executed via electric chair.}}
{{Quote|Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something.|[[Pancho Villa]]'s reported last words after having been assassinated.}}
{{Quote|This is Josh. I'm calling to say goodbye. I'm not able to live without my sons and I'm unable to go on anymore. I'm sorry to everyone I've hurt. Goodbye.|[[Josh Powell]] in a voice message to family members, 20 minutes before killing his two sons and committing suicide.}}
{{Quote|Take that, bitch!|[[George Hennard]] to one of his female victims during the Luby's shooing. Soon after he would be cornered by responding police officers and would shoot himself in the head.}}
{{Quote|Let the torture and suffering in me end.|[[Ronald Gene Simmons Sr.]], before being executed by lethal injection.}}
{{Quote|If I should now depart from this world, I would have nothing to regret, except not being able to serve longer and more.|[[Ho Chi Minh]]'s last known written words, in a farewell statement to the Communist Party.}}
{{Quote|When I put my hands out this way, then stay for the sign.|[[Charles I of England]] instructing his executioner before being beheaded.}}
{{Quote|난 괜찮아. (Translated: I'm fine.)|[[Park Chung-hee]], after being shot by [[Kim Jae-gyu]]. He died almost immediately afterward.}}
{{Quote|We are the first victims of American fascism!|[[Julius and Ethel Rosenberg|Ethel Rosenberg]]}}
{{Quote|We are innocent. That is the whole truth. To forsake this truth is to pay too high a price even for the priceless gift of life. For life thus purchased we could not live out in dignity.|[[Julius and Ethel Rosenberg|Julius Rosenberg]]}}
{{Quote|No thank you.|[[Michael Bruce Ross]], when asked if he had any last words, before being executed.}}
{{Quote|Don’t go away. I don’t want to be alone. I can’t stand being alone.|[[Arnold Rothstein]], said to his wife Carolyn as he tried to raise himself he fell back and into unconsciousness. Rothstein would not regain consciousness and died the following morning.}}
{{Quote|That's enough, Prince! I'll talk! I'll talk!|[[Samuel Doe]] while being [[torture]]d by [[Prince Johnson]]. Johnson would kill Doe shortly afterwards.}}
{{Quote|I haven't got you a present, but all I have is my life. I will give it to you, my darling. When you are ready, come to me. I will be waiting for you.|[[Fred West]], addressing his wife [[Rosemary West]] in his suicide note.}}
{{Quote|No.|[[Lisa Montgomery]] after being asked if she had any last words.}}
{{Quote|I'm sorry. That's the only words that I can say that completely capture how I feel now and how I felt that day.|[[Brandon Bernard]].}}
{{Quote|I ask God to forgive all those who plotted and schemed against me and planted false evidence. I did not commit this crime.|[[Alfred Bourgeois]].}}
{{Quote|I would like to say I am innocent. I did not order the murders.|[[Dustin Higgs]].}}
{{Quote|No, I'm okay. Love you.|[[Corey Johnson]].}}
{{Quote|Damnation seize my Soul if I give you Quarters, or take any from you!|[[Blackbeard]]'s alleged last words before being overwhelmed and killed by British naval forces.}}
{{Quote|Oh man, I'm not [unconscious]... Something's wrong.|[[Clayton Lockett]].}}
{{Quote|Goodbye, [[Amelia Sach and Annie Walters|Sach]]!|[[Amelia Sach and Annie Walters|Annie Walters]]}}
{{Quote|Я не знаю (Translated: I don't know.)|[[Ignacy Hryniewiecki]] to the police while dying of his injuries.}}
{{Quote|Let's do it then.|[[Eric Harris]] during the Columbine High School massacre.}}
{{Quote|Reb ya ready?|[[Dylan Klebold]] to Eric during the Columbine High School massacre.}}
{{Quote|I think I'm gonna make it.|[[Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb|Richard Loeb]] after being stabbed ninety times by another inmate.}}
{{Quote|Die Welt ist nur ein Fassorgan, das der Herr, Gott, selbst dreht. Wir müssen alle zu der Melodie tanzen, die bereits auf der Trommel ist. (Translated: The world is just a barrel organ that the Lord God turns himself. We all have to dance to the tune which is already on the drum.)|[[Reinhard Heydrich]] while on his deathbed.}}
{{Quote|Oh fuck!|[[Christopher Harper-Mercer]] after being shot by police and before shooting himself in the head.}}
{{Quote|Nothing can stop us!|[[Ashli Babbitt]]}}
{{Quote|Masiruna hu bina' mustaqbal 'afdal libiladina, mustaqbal aman li'atfalnaa. Ealayna 'an namnahahum shyyana 'afdal mimaa warithnah. (Translated: Our destiny is to build a better future for our countries, a safe future for our children. We have to give them something better than what we inherited.)|[[Hafez al-Assad]]}}
{{Quote|Trăiască Republica Socialistă România, liberă și independentă! (Translated: Long live the Socialist Republic of Romania, free and independent!)|[[Nicolae Ceaușescu]]}}
{{Quote|I told you I did it! I told you I did! I killed him! I killed him and I don't know why I did it!|[[Brynn Hartman]] before shooting herself.}}
{{Quote|The Lord Jesus Christ be with me. I am at peace. Hate is going on in this world, and it has to stop. One second of hate will cause a lifetime of pain. Even though I lie on this gurney, seconds away from my death, I am at total peace. I'm still a proud American, Texas loud, Texas proud. God bless America. God bless everyone. Let's do this damn thing.|[[Mark Anthony Stroman]]}}
{{Quote|He who flung the stars into the heavens above created the oceans, mountains, eagles and doves, none greater than thee. Oh Lord, none greater than thee.|[[Danny Rolling]] singing a gospel song of his own composition before his execution.}}
{{Quote|Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!|[[John Marion Grant]]}}
{{Quote|I'll see y'all later. Bye. Go ahead, please.|[[John Battaglia]]'s last words before being executed by lethal injection.}}
{{Quote|I just want you to know from the bottom of my heart that I am truly sorry. I mean it. I'm not saying it.|[[Timothy Gribble]] before being executed by lethal injection.}}
{{Quote|I wanna shout it out; I love [[Raymond Fernandez and Martha Beck|Martha]]! What do the public know about love?|[[Raymond Fernandez and Martha Beck|Raymond Fernandez]]}}
{{Quote|My story is a love story. But only those tortured by love can know what I mean. Imprisonment in the Death House has only strengthened my feeling for [[Raymond Fernandez and Martha Beck|Raymond]].|[[Raymond Fernandez and Martha Beck|Martha Beck]]}}
{{Quote|I didn't do it. I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, but I'm not a murderer. You're killing an innocent man.|[[Daniel Lewis Lee]]}}
{{Quote|Are you sure it's safe?|[[William Palmer]]}}
{{Quote|I forgive those who have wronged me.|[[Earle Nelson]]}}
{{Quote|Yesterday was my birthday. Today is the day I join my God and father. The state may have my body but not my soul.|[[Rosendo Rodriguez]]}}
{{Quote|Mick, I am completely innocent. Look after mum and dad. Keep an eye on the newspapers, this in years to come will come out.|[[James Hanratty]]}}
{{Quote|Nothing to worry about, mate.|[[Jake Davison]] before committing suicide.}}
{{Quote|I know that everybody has gone through a lot of pain, all the families connected, and I am sorry, and I want to thank everybody who have been supporting me all these six years.|[[Velma Barfield]], before being executed.}}
{{Quote|Allah is great, Allah is great.|[[Daryl Mack]]}}
{{Quote|Es lebe Großdeutschland! Es lebe Adolf Hitler! Es lebe der Nationalsozialismus! (Translated: Long live Greater Germany! Long live Adolf Hitler! Long live National Socialism!)|[[Robert Heinrich Wagner]]}}
{{Quote|Thank you, precious father, for coming today and shepherding me into faith. I want to thank my beautiful wife who has loved me with everything she has. I want to thank my friends and legal team, and most of all, Jesus Christ through this unfair judicial process that led to my salvation. I pray the Lord will have mercy on all of us and that the Lord will have mercy on me.|[[Frank Atwood]] before being executed by lethal injection.}}
{{Quote|I'll be glad when this is over.|[[Dale Pierre]]}}
{{Quote|Thank those who tried so hard to keep me alive. I hope they continue to fight for equal justice after I'm gone. Tell my family goodbye and I love them.|[[William Andrews]]}}
{{Quote|Peace.|[[Darrell Keith Rich]]'s last words.}}
{{Quote|No!|[[Jose Reyes]] to teacher Michael Landsberry after the latter asked him to stop shooting up the school, Jose then killed Michael and committed suicide shortly after.}}
{{Quote|Well dude I seem to have crossed the event horizon of the black hole. There's no going back it seems. Since I'm rapidly weakening and can't keep anything down this looks like a downward spiral into oblivion.|[[Nathan Larson]] at the end of his suicide note.}}
{{Quote|Tonight, I dance on the streets of gold. Let those without sin cast the first stone.|[[Jason Massey]]'s last words before being executed.}}
{{Quote|Hang me quick — make haste.|[[Albert W. Hicks]]}}
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