~ Nathan Gale after shooting Dimebag Darrell Abbot. He was then killed by officer James Niggemeyer after he shot him in the face with eight shotgun bullets.
If you have a message for the Devil, tell me now for I'll be seeing him soon.
~ Lavinia Fisher before getting executed by hanging.
I swear that there is no God but God and Muhammad.
~ Saddam Hussein before getting executed by hanging.
Shoot me in the chest!
~ Benito Mussolini in front of a firing squad.
Hurry up you Hoosier bastard, I could kill ten men while you're fooling about!
~ Carl Panzram before he was executed by hanging.
I killed the President because he was the enemy of the good people... the good working people... and I'm not sorry for my crime. I am sorry I could not see my father.
~ Leon Czolgosz before his execution.
You can all kiss my ass!
~ John Wayne Gacy before execution by lethal injection.
Ich Bin Heinrich Himmler.
~ Heinrich Himmler
Useless, useless...
~ John Wilkes Booth. After getting fatally shot and was dragged to the porch of the Garrett farm house.
Don't turn out the light.
~ Osama Bin Laden 15 minutes before he was shot by US Special Forces.
I don't care if I live or die. Go ahead and kill me.
~ Jeffery Dahmer to fellow inmate Christopher Scarver, who then beat him to death with a preacher bar (part of a weight lifting machine).
I'm the problem.
~ David Burke who answered the question from the captain of Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 1771 asking what the problem was. Burke then shot the pilots and then himself, causing the plane to crash, leaving no survivors.
Glory hallelujah! I am with the Lord, Glory, ready, go!
~ Charles J. Guiteau before being executed by hanging for assassinating President James A. Garfield.
I am still alive
~ Caligula
Hey, Jimmie! The Chimney Sweeps. Talk to the Sword. Shut up, you got a big mouth! Please come help me up, Henny. Max come over here... French Canadian bean soup... I want to pay, let them leave me alone...
~ Dutch Schultz speaking in a delirium after being fatally shot by another mobster.
I don't even know why I'm here.
~ Albert Fish before being executed by the Electric chair
Ah well I suppose it has come to this… Such is life.
~ Ned Kelly before being executed by hanging.
Today, I am ready to die!
~ Eric Harris before committing suicide.
Vot sobaka. (translation: Good dog.)
~ Vladimir Lenin speaking to a dog after retrieving a bird. Afterward, he died from a stroke.
This is the worst treachery of all. The generals have betrayed the Fuehrer. Everything is lost. I shall die, together with my wife and children. You will burn our bodies, can you do that?
~ Joseph Goebbels speaking to his adjunct before committing suicide.
If I am to be killed, let Adolf do it himself.
~ Ernst Röhm before he is executed by Michael Lippert instead of Hitler.
Long live Germany. Long live Argentina. Long live Austria. These are the three countries with which I have been most connected and which I will not forget. I greet my wife, my family, and my friends. I am ready. We'll meet again soon, as is the fate of all men. I die believing in God.
~ Adolf Eichmann before he was executed by hanging in Israel.
~ Alfred Rosenberg response if he had any last words before he was hanged.
I don't want to speak to her anymore.
~ Adolf Hitler last words to adjutant Otto Günsche when he informed him that Magda Goebbels wanted to speak to him.
Is it peace, Zimri, murderer of your master?
~ Jezebel (from 2 Kings 9:31) before Jehu threw her out of a window, and dogs ate her corpse.
Please don't let me fall!
~ Mary Surratt before she was executed by hanging.
I'd like you to give my love to my family and friends.
~ Ted Bundy before he was executed.
What are you doing?  It's haraam.  It's not allowed in Islamic law. Haraam. What you are doing is forbidden in Islam!
~ Muammar Gaddafi before he was shot to death by Libyan rebels.
You got me."''
~ John Dillinger after being shot. Note: According to FBI reports, Dillinger had no last words. However, this remains highly disputed. It is rumored that he said "You got me." after he was shot. Dillinger's lips were reportedly moving just after he fell from being shot outside the Biograph Theater, but what he might have said is unknown (not to mention that his speech may have been slurred due to his injuries)
I feel ill. Call the doctors.
~ Mao Zedong
~ Joseph Stalin unintelligible responses to Peter Lozgachev when he find Stalin lying on his back on the floor of his room beside his bed wearing pyjama bottoms and an undershirt with his clothes soaked in stale urine.
I am very sorry it is taking me so long to die. The Greater East Asia War was justified and righteous. I am very sorry for the nation and all the races of the Greater Asiatic powers. I wait for the righteous judgment of history. I wished to commit suicide but sometimes that fails.
~ Hideki Tojo on his suicide attempt before he was hanged for war crimes committed during World War Two.
All right, I'll take you with me.
~ Andrew Kehoe to superintendent Emory E. Huyck before blowing up his truck killing him, Huyck, and a few other bystanders.
...take our life from us, we laid it down, we got tired. We didn't commit suicide. We committed an act of revolutionary suicide protesting the conditions of an inhumane world.
~ Jim Jones whose words were part of a recording on an audiocassette found at the People's Temple compound in Guyana after the mass suicide of 1978.
I trust in the merits of Christ. All is lost! Monks! Monks! Monks!
~ Henry VIII
What an artist is perishing with me!
~ Emperor Nero after committing suicide.
I forgot something.
~ George Lincoln Rockwell spoke those words to no one in particular as he left the laundromat to get something from his car. Moments later, John Palter, a former member of Rockwell’s group, fatally shot Rockwell from the roof of the shopping center.
I'll see you again.
~ Joachim von Ribbentrop spoke these words to a Lutheran pastor before he was hanged at Nuremberg.
Yes, I would just like to say I'm sailing with the rock, and I'll be back, like Independence Day with Jesus. June 6, like the movie. Big mother ship and all, I'll be back, I'll be back.
~ Aileen Wuornos before execution by lethal injection.
~ Susan Atkins's redeeming while dying at the Central California Women's facility
Good people, are always so sure their right
~ Barbara Graham's last comment before being executed in the gas chamber
My greetings to you, my eternal Germany.
~ Alfred Jodl spoken before he was hanged at Nuremberg.
Help me, my dear friend!
~ translated of Charlotte Corday's last words before she was executed under the guillotine.
We know the Russian methods exactly. I haven't the faintest intention of being taken prisoner by the Russians.
~ Heinrich Muller last known words to Hitler's pilot Hans Baur before Muller mysteriously disappeared from history.