The Young Leith Team (often shorted to YLT) is an infamous street-gang in Scotland, prominent in the city of Edinburgh - although they were most active in the 70s the gang is still very much alive and although not reaching the same infamy as other criminal organizations they have caused problems in their local community both in the present and in the past.
The modern YLT tend to be a fairly typical street-gang and engage in lawless activities such as grafitti, vandalism, harassment and semi-organised crime (although most of the group's activities revolve around street fighting).
The YLT is ran by the most notorious G in Scotland, Mr Ryan Farell, he is the don. Mess with him and he'll rape your da's butt muff. He is well known for going junkie bashing at the kirgate and shagging prosies at salamander street. He was recently released from Hibernian FC so he bashed Alan Stubbs for being a wee nonce cunt. He was known as the zing king for scoring many zings against teams such as Noncecastle FC. Hes mates with JC35 (A notorious spiceboy and pre teen lover) they are often seen together being absolute PMALL WARRIORS.