1836 | 1837 | 1838 | 1839 | 1840 | 1841 | 1842 | 1843 | 1844

Events edit

  • August 6 - Charles-Louis Napoleon Bonaparte attempts a second coup d'etat against King Louis Philippe I, when he sails across the English channel to the port of Boulogne. It turned into a greater fiasco than his 1836 Coup d'etat attempt, when he and the mutineers were stopped by the customs agents, the soldiers of the garrison refused to join, the mutineers were surrounded on the beach, one was killed and the others, including Bonaparte, were arrested.
  • October 7 - Charles Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte is imprisoned in the fortress of Ham, having been sentenced to life in prison for his second coup attempt.
  • December 15 - The remains of Emperor Napoleon I of France, known commonly by his full name, Napoleon Bonaparte, are returned to France, and buried in Les Invalides.
  • Unknown - Indigenous Australian Genocide: a series of massacres against the Gunai people in Victoria, Australia, in eastern Gippsland, begins.
  • Unknown - Beginning of the Queensland Aboriginal Genocide.

Births edit

Villain births edit

Victim births edit

  • September 25 - Mary Eliza Chapman