1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 |
- January 3 - Robert Mugabe and the Zimbabwe African National Union initiate the Gukurahundi, a series of violent ethnic massacres and pogroms designed to quell dissent among the Ndebele tribe.
- April 3 - The 1983 Lucanamarca Massacre occurs when Shining Path kills 69 people in and around the town of Lucanamarca.
- June 5 - Beginning of the Second Sudanese Civil War.
- July 10 - Martial law in Poland is lifted. The Military Council of National Salvation is disbanded.
- July 23 - The Sri Lankan Civil War begins when the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam begin an insurgency to create an independent state of Tamil Eelam.
- August 4 - Thomas Sankara comes to power in Upper Volta following a successful coup.
- August 8 - Efraín Ríos Montt is deposed as President of Guatemala in a coup lead by Óscar Humberto Mejía Victores.
- August 21 - Benigno Aquino Jr. is assasinated at the Manila International Airport (now known as the Ninoy Aquino International Airport), allegedly on the orders of President Ferdinand Marcos.
- December 10 - The National Reorganization Process junta of Argentina is dissolved.
Villain births
- January 22 - Robert Steinhäuser
- March 17 - Martin Shkreli
- July 1 - Michael Carneal
- July 21 - Kellen Winslow II
- July 31 - Augustus Sol Invictus
- August 20 - Dmitry Vinogradov
- August 21 - Yukio Yamaji
- September 22 - Jason Kessler
- October 5 - George Zimmerman
- December 10 - Simon Lindberg
Victim births
- January 6 - Kelly Fleming
- February 19 - Matthew Kechter
- March 7 - Richard Pearlman (9/11 Victim)
- April 18 - Jonathan Sellers
- May 3 - Randy Gordon (Santana High School shooting victim)
- June 25 - Daniel Mauser
- July 13 - Brandon Armstrong (First Child of Susan Eubanks)
- July 16 - Philando Castile
- August 6 - Ebony Simpson
Villain deaths
- May 5 - Horst Schumann
- May 25 - Idris of Libya
- July 16 - Michel Micombero
- August 19 - Aleksandar Ranković
Victim deaths
- May 19 - Cheryl Downs
- August 21 - Benigno Aquino Jr.