Abu Hamza al-Masri (born April 15th, 1958) is an Arabic cleric and terrorist who, in October of 2004, was charged with 15 offences for encouraging the killing of non-Muslims with the intent of stirring racial tensions. Al-Masri's trial commenced in June of 2005 but postponed to January 9th, 2006. Abu was officially declared guilty on eleven charges on June 7th, 2006, including six charges of soliciting murder, three charges of "using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behavior with intent to stir up racial hatred", one charge of "possessing a document containing information likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism", and one charge of "possession of threatening, abusive or insulting recordings of sound, with intent to stir up racial hatred".[1] Another trial in May 2014 convicted al-Masri of terrorism charges relating to the taking of American hostages in Yemen in 1998 and a ploy to establish a Jihadist training camp in the United States in 1999.[2] As a result of his crimes, Abu Hamza was sentenced to life in prison with no possibly of parole.[3]