Ahmed Hassan
File:Ahmed Hassan.jpg
Full Name: Ahmed Hassan
Origin: Iraq
Crimes: Terrorism
Attempted murder
Type of Villain: Terrorist

Ahmed Hassan is a radical islamist who was incarcerated in September 2017 for committing the Parsons Green train bombing. He claimed to be motivated by his father's death in the Iraq war and had been in touch with The Islamic State.

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As previously mentioned, Hassan's father was killed in the Iraq war by Saddam Hussein's forces, for which Hassan blamed Britain. To get revenge, Hassan trained with the terrorist group Islamic State to carry out an attack. In 2015 he came to England pretending to be under 18, having known that the government would deal leniently with immigrants under eighteen. Despite saying that he had trained with IS, Hassan was granted the right to live with a foster couple.[1] In September 2017 he planted a crude "bucket bomb" on a train with intent to kill everyone on board. However the bomb did not contain enough explosive and did not go off, although some passengers did receive flash burns or were injured in the rush to escape. Hassan and six others were arrested, however Hassan was the only one brought to trial.[2] He was sentenced to life imprisonment with a possibility of release in thirty-four years. This means he will be eligible for parole in 2052.[3]

On February 22nd, 2022, Ahmed and two other prisoners have been found guilty of attacking a prison officer in Belmarsh's high security unit. He was sentenced to another three years consecutive to his current sentence.[4]

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