Aleksandras Gudaitis-Guzevicius
GuTemplate:Villaindaitis-Guzevicius Aleksandras, real Aleksandras Guzevicius 1908 06 07 Moscow 1969 04 18 Vilnius,Lithuanian Soviet actyvist,writer.Father of R.Guzeviciute.Major General of the USSR Security (1945). In 1939-40 he studied French language and literature at Vytautas Magnus University. In 1925 he became involved in anti-state communist activities, in 1927 he joined the Lithuanian Communist Party (LCP). In 1928-29 he worked in the editorial offices of the Communist magazines Voice, Communist in Germany, and in 1929-31 at the LCP Representation to the Executive Committee of the Communist International in Moscow. 1931 Member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the LCP, Lithuanian Communist Youth Union (Komsomol. LITHUANIA ) Secretary I of the Interim Center Committee. 1931-38 Prisoner for illegal communist activities.
June 6, 1940 After the USSR occupation of Lithuania, June 6, 1940, he was Deputy Minister of the Interior, Chief of Vilnius City and County. August 8, 1940 - July 7, 1941 People's Commissar for the Interior of the LSSR. From July 7, 1941 to July 1944, he worked at the USSR NKVD and the People's Commissariat for State Security. July 7, 1944 - August 08, 1945 People's Commissar for State Security in the LSSR. One of the organizers and executors of deportation of the population of Lithuania, suppression of resistance to the Soviet occupation regime on June 6, 1941, May 1945 and July 07, 1945. Due to the inability to organize operational activities of the security agents and to quickly suppress Lithuania's anti-Soviet resistance, and for avoiding the search for enemies among the LCP members, the Central Committee Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Communist Party (Bolshevik) dismissed.
1945-47 Chairman of the Committee of Cultural and Educational Institutions under the LSSR Council of Ministers. 1947-50 Director of the State Fiction Publishing House. 1953-55 Minister of Culture of the LSSR. In 1940-49 he was a member of the LCP Central Committee and Committee Bureau, and in 1952-56 he was a member of the LCP Center Committee again. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, 1940-47 and 1951-55, 1941-46 and 1954-58.Wrote pseudo-historical novels,short stories,dramas.Novels:Kalvio Ignoto teisybe(Justice of Blacksmith Ignatius) (2 ,books 1948-49),Broliai (Brothers) (4books,1951-55),Samokslas(Conspiracy) (2 volumes1964-65; Respublican Prize 1965). The artistic value of the works is poor,written mainly according to Soviet ideology and intended to promote it.