Amanda Martinez is a 31-year-old customer who assaulted 24-year-old restaurant manager Jannelle Broland. Martinez was a customer at a Mexican restaurant who ordered a spicy soup to go and complained that the soup was so hot it melted the to-go container lid. While Broland attempted to resolve the issue in a calm and civil manner, Martinez went on to assault her and throw the soup at her face. Fortunately, the soup was cooled down, so the assault did not leave burn damage on Broland's face. However, the spices did sting Broland's face and eyes, and also caused her to have a nosebleed.

Amanda Martinez
Full Name: Amanda Martinez
Alias: Mexican Restaurant Karen
Origin: Temple, Texas, United States
Occupation: Nurse
Skills: Complaining
Crimes: Direct Assault
Public Rampage
Type of Villain: Spoiled Fighter

Martinez was later arrested and faces assault charges regarding the incident. She is held on $5,000 bond.