Amarjeet Sada
Full Name: Amarjeet Sada
Origin: India
Occupation: Serial killer
Crimes: Serial Murder
Type of Villain: Serial Killer

Amarjeet Sada was an Indian child and the world's youngest serial killer, having been caught at age 8.

Sada was arrested in 2007 for the murder of a six-month-old baby identified as "Kushboo". The infant had disappeared from her primary school, leading to a local police investigation. A few hours after the infant was reported missing Sada admitted to strangling her and hitting her with a brick, leading villagers to the spot where he buried the body. While in police custody for the murder he admitted to killing his baby cousin and sister. When asked why, he smiled and asked for biscuits.

Sada was diagnosed with a conduct disorder which prevented him from knowing the difference between right and wrong. He was also reported to be a sadist who enjoyed hurting others. However, due to India's juvenile laws he could not legally be charged with a crime, and the greatest punishment he could be subjected to was being placed in a children's home until he was eighteen to undergo treatment for his disorder. He was discharged from the home under an assumed name in 2016, and his current whereabouts are unknown.