Amber Perera
Full Name: Amber Nicole Perera
Origin: Tampa, Florida, United States of America
Hobby: Getting addicted to marijuana
Drinking alcohol
Goals: Get away with her crimes (failed)
Crimes: Murder
DUI Convictions
Hit-and-run charges
Evidence tampering
Grand theft
Illegal drug
Type of Villain: Addicted Vehicular Murderer

Amber Perera is a vehicular murderer from Florida who caused a fatal crash in 2017 on the Selmon Expressway. The crash caused a Hyundai to burst into flames, killing a family of three in the process. She was arrested after drug tests showed that she had a BAC level of 0.10 and had traces of marijuana in her system.

She was sentenced to 50 years in prison for her crimes. Records show she was additionally charged with grand theft in 2010.

Victims edit

  • Rita Felipak (age 29)
  • Luiz Felipak (age 41)
  • Giorgia Felipak (age 8)